chapter 11

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We woke up and sure enough Jack was right. He really would regret it. But at the same time he wouldn't because let's face it, this is me. I felt him poking into me from behind. How could one guy be so horny all the fucking time? Jack's still sleeping so I'll try and wake him up.

I started rubbing his leg to wake him up. He looked very turned on. We were both completely naked so things may have happened. We may have had sex. It was hard trying to be quiet so no one could hear but it was fun.

"Jack, I need a bath. Wanna join me?" He nodded and grabbed us both a towel. I put clothes on and walked to the bathroom then turned on the taps for the bath. Jack came in soon after with both the towels and just joggers on.

Once the bath was ready Jack got undressed and climbed in. I also undressed and climbed in. Of course I had to sit between his legs so I felt his dick pressing against my back. It was still very relaxing though.


Me and Jack nearly had sex in that bath... We didn't though because there would have been no protection. I don't wanna risk getting pregnant and Jack doesnt wanna risk me getting pregnant either! It'd be nice to have kids quite young but not yet. Not when we're both still in school. That wouldn't look good at all.

Both of us climbed out and ran back to Jacks room. We put our school uniform on and sat on the bed to wait for Conor. It was about 20 minutes before Conor was ready. By that time we were both sorted and walked out to the car after saying bye to everyone.

School was sort of boring. Me and Jack are still not acting like a couple at school. It's funny watching the girls flirt with him and he's not taking any of it. I don't know when we're going to show it because I'm afraid of people judging. I know it sounds stupid but it's the truth. That's what everyone is like in our school. Every new relationship either gets judged or given a name. When I say name, I mean a ship name.


We arrived back and instantly changed out of our school uniform. It's cold so I chucked on my jeans and a tshirt with one of Jack's hoodies, that he kindly let me borrow, and fluffy socks with trainers. Jack put on jeans, a tshirt, a bomber jacket and some nikes. Conor also got changed and decided we were all ready to go. The three of us jumped into the car and left for town.


It wasn't very busy today so we could get round easily. Our first stop was Primark. That wasn't exactly in town but we still went there. I bought at least 10 new tops, some jeans, a few jackets and underwear. It was fun going around the bras with Jack and Conor.

Conor held up a pink lace bra to his chest.
"Look at me. Do I look beautiful?" Me and Jack laughed at him. Jack then picked up a red lace bra.
"We can look beautiful together!" Jack exclaimed.

"Okay guys, what sizes are those bras?"
"34D" both of them said at the exact same time.
"Perfect! Put them in my basket. Do that again and see if I like it." They chucked the bras in the basket and we continued around.

They managed to pick up a pink, blue and red bra. There was then a black lace bra. We found some pants too and socks and tights. I got at least 10 pairs of black tights for school. They also told me to get some skin tights so I did. After getting all that, we payed and that was the end of Primark.

The three of us went to Zara, Topshop, Debenhams, New Look and Select for more clothes. I had at least ten bags already.
"I'm so glad you have a car Conor!" I placed all my bags in the boot and we started walking back into town.


So I may have forced the boys to go into Lush with me. I also may have bought £30 worth of Lush stuff. Oh well! Now the boys are dragging me to a shop.

We walked into some shop and it was full of designer clothing (at least I think it was). Conor made us follow him round while he looked at things. I saw him pick up yet another bomber jacket! He took ages and finally paid.

Now it was Jack's turn to drag us somewhere. He held my hand and Conor followed to wherever Jack was taking us. We walked past a lot of shops but it wasn't that far. Jack guided us into Starbacks and told us to get a table. All of us sat down around a little table and started talking.

"So when exactly is he going?"
"Friday... Well that's the last time I see him. He technically goes Saturday but the flight is like 1 in the morning so yeah." Jack put his arm around me.
"What do you guys want to drink?"
"Caramel latte please." Conor started.
"I'm going to be boring but, hot chocolate please." I said.
"Got it. See you in a sec." He stood up and walked away.


I walked to the counter and no one was waiting in cue. A friend of ours from school was taking orders so I went to her.
"Hey Lex!"
"Oh hey Jack! What would you like?"
"Just a caramel latte and 2 hot chocolates please."

"What names?"
"Latte for Conor, 1 n or he kills you! The other two is of course me and Brooklyn." She laughed at my comment on Conor.
"Okay, that's £8.49 thanks." I handed her the money. I went to walk away but she stopped me.

"Wait, Jack!" I looked at her.
"Are you and Brooklyn a thing? You two seem a lot closer lately. I know Conor's her best friend so you see her a lot. You put your arm around her and if that isn't relationship goals, I don't know what is!" Well she knows.

"Yeah. Don't say a thing! If you do I'll kill you."
"What will you do to stop me?"
"I'll let you put two n's on Conors cup so he gets annoyed at me. Just don't say anything."
"Okay, just wanna say... I ship Jacklyn!" I walked away laughing.

"Alright babe?" I sat next to Brook and wrapped my arm around her.
"Yeah. All good."
"Did you ask her to put 1 n instead of 2?" I laughed a little.
"I knew I forgot something! Nope, don't think I did. Well I might have done but probably not." He looked angry.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Brook said. I kissed her softly on the forehead.
"I love you beautiful!"
"I love you too baby." She looked up and kissed me softly on the lips.


Our drinks were ready and I went to grab them. Conor's had 1 n so he was happy. Brook was happy that she finally got the hot chocolate she's been wanting all day. I'm happy too because I'm with my beautiful girlfriend, drinking hot chocolate together and hugging her tight.

"I feel like I'm third wheeling here. Do you want me to leave you guys?"
"Nope. We need your car. And we love you too much of course!" Brook tried to hide the fact she was being deadly serious. We so need his car because of the amount of things we have!


It got to about 6 so we decided it's best to go home. I chucked my 3 (small) bags into the car and jumped in. Brook called shotgun so I sat in the back.



I love car journeys with the boys. I also love falling asleep in the car and being carried in by one of them. Today it was Jack. He didn't carry me to his bed but to the sofa. Conor held me while Jack sat down then put me in Jacks arms. I was told that I snuggled into him a lot.

For the rest of the night we ate, and watched YouTube. Conor started planning for his next video in which I helped since he wanted me in it. Me and Anna discussed lots of girl things and makeup and hair. Then, it got late so we all went to bed. I snuggled up into Jack's arms and he was really warm. That helped me get to sleep pretty quick.

(A/n) sorry for not uploading for a couple days... I was really ill but I'm better now. Anyway, enjoy a double update!! Xx

(Uploading 😂😂 it's called publishing! Did my brain even work?!)

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