chapter 15

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Both of us were on our bed when Conor walked in. He ran upstairs and straight into our room.
"Woah! So it's broken?"
"Hairline fracture. All through the bottom part of my leg and my ankle."
"Looks painful."
"Yeah, painfully itchy!" Conor came and sat on the bed. Brook looked at me with a worried glance. We need to tell him.

"Con, if I ever got Brooklyn pregnant, what would you do?" He gave me a funny look before replying.
"Well in the future I'd be happy for you guys. Right now, I'd be happy but also a little concerned."
"Well shit." Brook snuggled into me a bit more.

"Wait... No way! Are you?" She nodded.
"Oh god..." Brooklyn started crying and I squeezed her tight.
"I don't want to be! I don't want this baby. I can't have this baby! There's too much to think about at the moment. I couldn't have it!"

"I agree. You've got so much happening at the moment. You need to be focusing on school, exams and coursework. There's also things like home stuff and your dad. You can't do this right now. What's your thoughts jack?"

"I didn't but then I did and now I don't again. It wouldn't be good at all." Brook cried into my shoulder. I rubbed small circles on her waist and pulled her even more into me.

"We need to tell mum..." No. I'm scared to how she's going to react. We can't tell her.
"She'll be able to make the right decision."
"Conor's right, your mum will know what to do." I sure hope so. She's probably going to scream at me most likely.



Helen arrived home and she was called upstairs straight away. She got into the room and sat on the bed.
"Hows your leg?"
"Hairline fracture. Other than that it's good." She looked up and must've seen the tears in my eyes.
"Is it too painful?" I shook my head.
"Then why are you crying?" I broke down again.

"What's going on? Jack, have you been crying? Don't tell me you had a fight?"
"No, something completely different. Do you want me to tell her guys?"
"There's no easy way to say this really..."

I'm sure she was getting impatient.
"Mum, Brooklyn's pregnant..." There's lots of happiness coming from her.
"That's incredible! Oh goodness! That's amazing!"
"Mum, school. What's she going to do about that? And exams. Also the revision and everything she needs to do."
"Oh yeah... Well, what would you want Brooklyn?"

"I don't want it. I can't have it."
"It's either you go through this and have it put up for adoption, or you get an abortion."
"Jack, you don't care what happens do you?"

"No beautiful. I just wanna make sure you're okay and whatever happens, I'll go with it. This is your life and your body we're talking about here. So choose whatever."
"I want an abortion..." The room went silent.

It won't be that bad. Just a small operation to get the tiny thing out of me. I can't have it. Everything could go wrong. There wouldn't be any time for revision and it's too much responsibility at such a young age!


"Jack, do you think I made the right decision?"
"Of course you did baby. We shouldn't have this child. It could mess up a lot of stuff." Suddenly, Helen walked in.
"I've spoken to the hospital. We have an appointment booked for Monday next week. You're getting the baby removed."

"Thankyou." She came over and hugged both me and Jack.
"I'm proud of you Jack. Not only for looking after Brooklyn but for being there for her in this decision. And Brooklyn I'm proud of you too. You made that decision all on your own! Well done guys."


It got really late so we all said night to everyone and went to bed. Jack had to help me get undressed. He then had to help get me in bed. Finally he got himself undressed and into bed. I felt him pull me closer and started rubbing small circles on my waist. I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back.

"I love you."
"I love you more beautiful." I felt him kissing my neck. He's obviously left a hickey. But straight after, he put his head back down and went to sleep.



I woke up to an awake Brook.
"Finally! You're alive! We've got school today, come on!" She pulled me out of bed and I got myself dressed quickly. Her clothes were next to her and I had to help her get dressed. She had to get completely naked in front of me. That was a massive turn on!

We finally managed to get her dressed and I pushed her back on the bed. We started kissing as I straddled her lap. We removed our lips from each other and I attatched mine to her neck. Leaving small kisses before finding the right spot is a good idea. I started to suck at one particular spot on her neck and a small maon left her mouth.

"JACK! BROOKLYN! WE'RE LEAVING NOW!" Brook grabbed her crutches and I carried her downstairs. I put her down carefully and she started to hop around on the crutches.
"Careful before you break another bone!"



It's now lunchtime and we're sat talking about things.
"Is it definite your not having it?"
"Entirely sure, before everything goes through." Why is he asking this? Does Conor want me to have this baby? Does he want to be an uncle?

"Okay. Well if you change your mind just tell us."
"Conor, she's fine!" Jack yelled. A few people looked at us.
"She's fine." He said a bit quieter.
"We've agreed not to have them and we aren't changing our minds."
"Okay." It's strange that Conor is acting like this. Oh well, that's just Conor really.

(A/n) in the last update I may have put the wrong name at some point (I put Lauren instead of Brook as I kept getting mixed up whilst writing the fanfic) but hopefully I've changed that and if not I'm very sorry xx

(The lauren brook problem has been fixed)

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