chapter 27

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Todays the day, my hair will change for... I would say ever but it's only a little while. Jack's taking me to the hair dressers while him, Josh and Conor go and do some shopping and stuff. He's then going to come back for me and we're all going to do some shopping, as well as get food.


It's now 2 and we've just arrived for my appointment. I hugged Josh and Conor to say goodbye.
"See you later beautiful. I love you."
"Love you too." Me and Jack hugged and kissed before they all left. Now I'm here alone and a little nervous.

The hairdresser, Amy, came to get me and we started it all. She took me to a seat and sat me down.
"So what colour is it you're having?"
"It was either pink or blue. I don't know which one would best go with my hair."
"I'd say, go with whatever is your favourite out of the two because both colours would suit your hair."
"Blue then please."

"Dark or light? Personally I think you should have dark because that would suit it better."
"Well you're the proffesional here, so dark please."
"Am I right in saying it's just the ends." Definitely not my whole head! I couldn't ever do that.
"Yes please."
"Okay well, let's get started then."


It felt like I was sat there for ages. She sorted the dye out and got loads of weird things. My head felt so heavy from all the things that was on it. Yes it's only the tips, but I'm still a little nervous about it.


The boys came in when she was nearly done with my hair. Jack came over and kissed me quickly to say hello. He handed me a drink and just stood there.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"All good. I feel so weird right now." I took a sip of my drink, which was a nice, warm hot chocolate.

"Thanks for the drink."
"That's okay. Me and the boys are going to wait here while you finish off." He's probably come back to see the big reveal.
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too."


Amy's currently washing my hair again now to get all the dye out of it. We left it for a little while so it's ready. She's going to wash and blowdry it for me.

She finished washing it and took me back to the seat. I sat there for ten minutes while she blowdried my hair. I'm really nervous for the big reveal of it all. What if it looks bad? I'll be stuck with it for a long time.

Jack, Conor and Josh came over to see it. I've got a mirror in front of me but it's hidden so I can't see it yet.
"You ready to see your transformed hair?"
"Ready." She grabbed the towel and pulled it off. All the boys gasped and smiled. I still can't really see it. She put it over my shoulders so I could get a better look.
"Woah!" It's incredible! My hair looks insane. That's such a nice blue too.

I thanked Amy multiple times for that. We got up and I paid quickly, leaving Amy a big tip. She thanked me for being so nice and making amazing videos.
"You watch my videos?"
"Yeah, and Jack, Conor and Josh's." Me and Jack have kissed in front of her! We haven't told fans yet... This won't go down well.

"I didn't know you two were a thing."
"That's because we weren't going to tell anyone just yet. So please don't say anything!"
"I won't, I promise!" We thanked her another ten million times, before we left.


I decided I wanted to go get some new makeup. I'm not wearing any currently because I don't feel the need to on a daily basis. We went into superdrug and I went straight to the YouTube section. It was stocked full with Zoe's things when I came in earlier. Now it's mostly all gone. I snapchatted it earlier to see what it was like. Then I snapchatted again to show what it's like now.

After looking through everything, I got some real techniques brushes (Sam and Nick) and then 2 of Tanya's eye pallets as well as 2 lipglosses and 2 nail things. Zoe's things were almost all gone but I still managed to get a makeup bag, the 3 body mists, a bubble bar and the shower gel. We went to checkout and I paid before we moved onto the next shop.


All of us decided we wanted Nandos for food. We stopped there and chose what we wanted very quickly. Conor and Josh went and ordered then brought back drinks for us all. We had our food then left Nandos. Jack drove us all back, and when we got home it was chill out time. Today's been an exciting, but very long, day!

(A/n) one part left... this makes me sad. Luckily I have another story coming out after this and two more after that, then another one in progress :) xx

(I want to dye my hair dark blue so bad now!)

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