chapter 14

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Everything was going good through the weekend. Annoyingly on Monday morning things turned bad. It was a very annoying day for things to happen as we both had a maths test at school. Brook cares about maths so this would have been bad for her. But yeah, things were quite bad.

For starters I woke up next to a very ill looking body. She was quite pale. I felt her head and she was very warm. Also, I woke up before her. That never happens!
"Come on beautiful, wake up. We've got school today." I shook her lightly.
"Come on, wake up please." She groaned.

"You need to get up."
"I don't want to. I feel horrible. My throat hurts and my stomach hurts and everything hurts!" I pulled her into me and squished her.
"Why don't we go downstairs and get some food. See how you feel after that, yeah?"

Both of us got up and put on the appropriate clothing. Brook wore my joggers and one of my hoodies.
"I'll be down in a sec, just need to check my phone."
"I swear, if you go back to sleep..."
"I won't." If she doesn't come
Down within 5 minutes I'm coming back up and dragging her down.

As I got downstairs, I heard the piano being played. When I walked into the livingroom, I saw it was Conor.
"Mornin Con." He looked up at me.
"Oh hey, morning. Where's Brook?"
"Doing something upstairs. She doesn't look right."

"What do you mean?" Conor's sounding very concerned about her as well now.
"Well she's very pale. Also she's complaining that everything hurts. Someone needs to take her temperature."
"Well we can just call-" there was a loud thumping noise from the stairs. We heard Brook shout something but neither of us knew what it was.

"Fuck. Shit. Fuck." Me and Conor ran out to see her on the floor with a bruised and swolen ankle and leg. She had tears in her eyes and looked like she was in so much pain.
"What happened? We need to take you to hospital now!" The tears left her eyes and started dropping down her face.

"Mum! Brooklyn's hurt herself."
"I'm sure she's alright Jack. You worry too much about her."
"Yeah but mum, her ankle and part of her leg is bruised and swolen!"
"Conor, don't overreact!" She walked in and her face when she saw Brook... She couldn't believe it.
"Oh goodness. We need to get you to hospital, fast!" I literally said that 30 seconds ago!

All of us did our best to help her stand up. She was screaming in pain when we got her stood properly up. Her bad foot was lifted off the ground and she was still in a small amount of pain. I had to carry her out to Conor's car. He's taking us to hospital and then leaving us there to go to school.


We arrived and got her checked in. The person at the desk told us it could be a very long wait. That was true, considering we were waiting an hour and a half. They took Brook straight in to be x-rayed.

"Okay so keep your leg very still for us." Brook wanted me in the room with her and I held onto her hand. The nurse came back over and moved her leg to another position. She winced so much from the pain and took it all out on my hand. Once the xray was done, the nurse took us to a new waiting room where we would get the results.

"Brooklyn please?" We both stood up and Brook hopped towards the nurse. We followed her into a little room and sat down. Again she held my hand very tight.
"So I'm afraid, it's broken." We kinda suspected that.
"Now, we're going to get a cast put on it and you'll have to use crutches for a while. Is that okay?"
"That's fine. Don't mind at all." We finished our conversation and went to yet another waiting area. No one was here.

Straight away we got called in. Me and Brook sat on the bed, hand in hand.
"Right, what colour would you like?"
"Blue please!"
"Light please." The casting man walked into a room and came back out with blue stuff.

He put a bandage around Brook's leg over the whole of the foot and part of her leg. Then he wrapped the blue stuff around it and made it look neat and tidy.
"Okay, if you leave that to dry for a little while, then you're good to go."
"Thankyou." It's still quite early in the morning so we're doing alright.

"Sorry, where's the bathroom?" The guy pointed it out to her and she dragged me along with her. We got in and she locked the door then sat by the toilet, not on but by.
"What's goi-" she puked. Literally there was so much of it! I started rubbing her back and holding her hair out her face.



Everyone at school seems to wanna know where Jacklyn are today. They're coming up with stupid reasons as to why they're not here. For example, one girl said 'I bet they fucked so long and hard last night that neither of them can walk!' And I was just thinking like, bitch no. You are far from the truth.

Jacks lad friends came over to me.
"Where's Jacklyn?"
"They fucked a little too long last night and now neither of them can move."
"What? No way!"
"Na just messing with ya. Brook fell down the stairs this morning so they're at the hospital."



What does he mean? I can't be... This can't be right!"
"Is the machine broken or something? How is that even possible!" Me and Jack gave each other worried glances.
"I'm very sorry... It's just what happens. Maybe there was a hole in it somehwere because that's possible. Choose to do whatever you want with it though." A week. I'm a week pregnant. Jack came over and I cried into his arms.


How is this possible? I can't be dealing with this right now! We have school and exams to think about, not some stupid baby! Wait, what am I saying? This baby isn't stupid! It's my own. We can't get rid of it, no way!

"Jack, I can't have this child. It's just not happening. With school and everything and I don't want to have to worry about a baby. It wouldn't be good." So we both have completely different mind sets on this. Annoying.

"Look baby, why don't we talk when we get home. You need to rest."
"And you need to go to school!"
"Nope! I'm not leaving you on your own. Anything could happen."
"Okay..." She grabbed the crutches she was given and I grabbed the few other things we needed and we waited outside. The taxi that we ordered finally arrived after a 10 minute wait. We got in and went home.

(It's not a fanfiction by me if there's not an injury and pregnancy in it. This one i wrapped it all into one chapter!)

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