Chapter 2

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It was a few days later when Pepper called another wedding planning meeting, Ella laughed at the frantic text she got from the CEO as she made her way up to Pepper and Tony's floor. Natasha and Pepper were already there with chocolate and fresh juice. Ella smiled at the girls as she took a seat on the sofa next to Natasha, curling her legs underneath her. Pepper sat opposite them in the available armchair.

"Girls, I now commence another wedding meeting in session!" Pepper announced causing Ella to laugh.

"Pep, don't you think you are taking your job a bit too seriously? Wedding planning is meant to be fun." Ella said

Pepper shook her head at the young girl, "Fun? Everything has to be perfect. This is going to be the happiest day of your life therefore planning is required." Pepper explained

"Pepper I don't care about any of that stuff, all I care about is marrying Steve. I could marry him on the roof of this building and it would still be the happiest day of my life."

"Well that's why you have me, to make sure that doesn't happen. Now let's get to work."

Ella shot a look over to Natasha silently pleading her for help but the look the red head shot back clearly said she was on her own. Luckily Pepper didn't notice the exchange between the two as she pulled out magazines and handwritten notes, shoving them in Ella's direction.

"Well that's the flowers, the music, and the cake and now the guest list sorted. Are you sure that's everyone you want to invite?" Pepper asked as the girls began clearing up from their meeting.

"Nope, that's everyone. Remember Pepper, small wedding. No fuss." Ella reminded her.

"That's no fun. It's your wedding day, fuss is allowed. In fact fuss is required." Pepper insisted

"I think a small wedding is a good thing. Less chance for something to go wrong." Natasha interjected

"Me and Steve don't care about any of that stuff, we just want to get married. Although I am thinking we should have it in a church." Ella pondered out aloud.

"Church? Why? You aren't religious." Pepper asked

"I know I'm not, but Steve is or at least he was. He is a traditionalist, I think it might be nice to give him some traditional."

"That's a great idea, Ella." Natasha smiled at her.

"Steve will love it. Now the engagement party is tomorrow evening and the day after that you have your dress fitting so don't be late!" Pepper said as hugged Ella before rushing out the room.

"You sure asking Pepper to organise this was the best idea?" Natasha asked once the red head had left.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Ella shrugged


The day of the engagement party found Ella hiding in the kitchen. Pepper was in full party planner mode and if Ella was honest it was more than a little scary. Steve was with Tony and Bruce helping them get ready for the party. Pepper was watching over them to make sure everything was done to perfection. Ella had to worry about Bruce; Pepper was very good at pilling on the stress to get things done quicker. The last thing she would need is the Hulk running around. Ella was meant to be getting ready for the party which was due to start in a few hours but instead she sat at the breakfast bar with a mug of tea in her hands. The quiet was a welcome escape from the chaos of upstairs.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Johnny Storm asked as he entered the kitchen grabbing himself a mug.

"I'm in hiding, you haven't seen me." Ella explained as Johnny continued making himself a cup of tea.

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