Chapter 24

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"Legolas is MIA." Tony confirmed as he checked the monitors for the third time since Natasha asked about his whereabouts. Jarvis showed the footage of Clint leaving the tower, anger etched into his normally happy features.

"Hydra has him, it has to be Hydra." Steve sighed

"Why would Hydra want Clint? They took Ella to get to you, Steve but I don't understand the reason behind kidnapping Clint." Natasha frowned, secretly she blamed herself for the fact Clint was now in danger but she hid it well. She was good at that; hiding behind a mask.

"Clint's a friend; Hydra will use whatever they have to in order to get what they want."

"Which is what exactly?" Tony demanded as he turned away from the monitor to face the Super Soldier.

"Me, they want the serum and I am the only way they can get to it. The only place that serum exists now is in my blood." Steve explained bitterly.

Natasha nodded, "We need a plan for when we do find them, Cap. We have to be smart about this."

"I will do whatever it takes to get my family back; if they want the serum they are going to have to kill me for it." Steve replied.

"Steve, I know how much you want Ella back but you can't even think about letting Hydra have the serum. If they get their hands on that formula... it will start another war." Bruce said as he took his glasses off his nose and rubbed his finger along the bridge of it.

"It won't come to that, Doctor Banner."

Bruce was about to say more but was cut off by Jarvis' voice sounding throughout the room.

"Captain Rogers I have located Hydra's facility. I was able to track the van that Agent Barton was in. Co-ordinates are being displayed."

For the first time since he discovered Ella was missing Steve felt relief flood through his body.

"Natasha, you and Bruce get to the quinjet. You're going to act as back up. Hydra will be expecting me but hopefully they wouldn't care about where you are." Steve commanded as he strapped his shield to his back.

"What about you?" Natasha asked

"I'm a soldier, I fight on the frontlines." Steve responded, "Wait for my signal then give them everything you have."

"What signal?" Natasha asked as she followed Bruce towards the helipad where the quinjet was.

"Don't worry, you won't miss it."

As soon as Natasha and Bruce left the room Steve turned back to Tony who was already in his Iron Man suit.

"Get Ella and Clint and get them to safety." Steve ordered, "You were right Tony, I put her at risk. I'm going after Hydra but I need to know she is safe."

Tony nodded, "You have my word, Cap." He was just about the leave when he turned back to Steve again, "For the record Steve, I know no one would fight harder for Ella than you. I was wrong to lay into you earlier."

Steve gave him a small smile, "Let's get her back."


"How long do you think we've been in here?" Ella asked Clint. They were still in their cell sitting next to each other on the floor with their backs resting against the hard cot.

"I don't know, my head kills though." Clint winced as he brushed his fingers over the area in question.

"You probably have a concussion, how are you feeling?" She asked gently looking at the archer.

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