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I know that Floki isn't really a villain ( From where I am at right now, I am in Season 2 episode 1) but I thought that I should try him out. He is a bit of a mischievous character so I decided to give him a shot.

Imagine you are  a daughter of the King of the Danes, Horik. You joined your father to Uppsala since you begged your father to allow you to come. He brings you, but you are to remain close to him at all times.

While your dad falls asleep the night before the sacrafices, you decided to sneak out and meet some of the men of Raganar's group. You haven't had the time to talk to them and wanted to get to know them.

When you are conversing to the others, a certain man catches your attention. A man with a michiouvous grin and lean body couldn't help but eye you from a distance.

You leave Rollo to converse with him and discover that the two of you have a lot in common. You immediately felt a connection with him and perhaps that night you fell in love with him.

That very morning, when your father starts searching for you,  he finds you snuggling with Floki, the michivious boat maker. He isn't too happy at first, but he allows you and Floki to be together.

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