Foxy Lady : Negan (FT. Eugene)

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Made for own personal pleasure! Please MESSAGE REQUESTS IM DESPERATE!

Name: Virginia Ford

Age: 32

Universe: Walking Dead

Villian: Negan

Good/Evil: Good

Appearance: Long curly red hair to her waist. She has bright blue eyes with a pale complexion. She is tall, and has scars up and down her arms. She often wears blue skinny jeans with a green shirt and brown combat boots

Situation: She gets tossed into Negan's RV after threatening him. They then have an interesting conversation.

Related to any canon character?: Abraham Ford (Older Brother) Eugene Porter (Boyfriend)


There you were, shaking scared after witnessing your brother getting killed right in front of you. "Big Red" the group used to call him for his muscular strength and red hair. But all that was red about him now was the bloody mess that remained where he one stood.

You wanted to scream on the top of your lungs for the loss of your brother, but your voice had gone dry. But your tears, somehow got the attention of your brothers killer as he approached you. Eugene, your boyfriend stood right next to you and placed his hand on your leg in order to make you feel somewhat protected.

His dark eyes glared at you and he gave one last smack to Abraham's head. He swung his blood stained bat Lucille over his shoulders. You felt your stomach turned as he began to head towards your direction. Yes, he was cute in more ways than one, but a man like that is only causing trouble. Besides, you have Eugene Porter, the brains of Alexandera.

"Ta da!" He explained as he pointed at your brother remains. "Glad we see how things are going to work now."

"Shit aint gonna work! You son of a bitch!"

You didn't know how it slipped out of your mouth, but as soon as it did, Negan seemed to have further interest in you. And this was bad. His smirk only grew as he approached you.

Eugene looked at you with concern. "Virginia..." He warned in a low tone. You looked around to see everyone's face in alarm. Negan told you all to stay in line and it seemed that you just crossed it.

"What did you say pretty lady?" He grasped your jaw and knelt down to you. There was no other choice but to look at him straight into his cold eyes. You could feel his breath on your neck as he seemed to scoot closer. He knew it scared you. " I didn't quite get that..."

You were silent, knowing that you were in trouble. Negan chuckled at your response as he took a few strands of your red hair out of your face. Your tears drizzle down your cheeks and his grip around your face tightened.

"Your going to pay for killing my brother! You cruel sick bastard!" You spat. It was now or never. He was going to punish you no matter what happens. You already could imagine the blood stained bat hitting your head and dying like your brother.

"Oh, so it's true what they say about red heads. You are fiery, almost as though you were kissed by fire." He kept his glance at you. " I like that. For a woman to have a bit of spunk"

"You leave my girl alone." Eugene's voice was weak, but it was clear. His tears were slower paced then yours, but it proved a point. He cared for you deeply and now, he was one the closest person you had.

Negan laughed. " This is your lover? Mister cry baby over here?" His eyes looked at him." No. A foxy lady like you needs a man's man". Then his handsome eyes looked back at you as he kept contact with you for a couple moments.

"You get him out of this. " You spat, ignoring his flirting towards you. Eugene was the only man that you needed and Negan was too crazy for a woman like you.

"Or what?" He waved the bloody bat across your face. " Your going to kill me? A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be doing this type of work, be hanging around these people." He scanned the lineup. Then a horrible idea seemed to go through his head. " How about you and I go and have a little talk..."

Negan pulled you up then grasped your waist and pulled you tightly towards his body. You felt his strong arms tug you into his body. Everyone's eyes were onto you as he headed towards his RV. His bat was tossed aside and he turned around to face Rick and Eugene.

"Don't worry I will take good care of her."

He tossed you in. You had little time to think about what was going to happen to you. The first thing was death by his bat, but it seemed to be nowhere in sight. Was he going to assault you? More than likely.

Negan slammed the door just moments after you were able to get back up. It was only mere darkness now. The only thing you saw was his shadow that seemed to linger in front of you before he approached you.

His hands found your waist and pulled you in for a slobbery kiss. It was wet and sloppy and you didn't like it one bit. You wanted to vomit out of your mouth but it wouldn't solve anything. Frankly all you could do was for him to do whatever he wanted.

"I want you..." He mumbled between the kiss then he stopped for a moment. " Shit, I don't even know your name..."

"Virginia. " You grumble.

"Virginia... " His breath was cooled by the name. "Beautiful name ..." With that he continued kissing you and you just wanted it to be over with.

I did it to survive.

I did it for Eugene, Rick and the rest of the group.



Negan didn't get enough of you after that night. You guys did more than kissing ( If ya know what I mean), but it was nothing but to make him happy. Negan hired you personally as delivery girl each month so you could visit him.

Now, all you gotta do is wait, for the right moment to kill him for revenge.

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