White Rabbit : Mad Hatter (Gotham)

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(This One Shot has been one of my favorite one's to write. Please enjoy)

Couple things to keep in mind...


2) Also does this deserve a part 2?

Name:  Janice Lynn Pennysworth

Age: 26

Universe: Gotham

Villian: Jervis Tetch (Mad Hatter)

Good/Evil: Neutral

Appearance: A woman that is considered as the most beautiful in all Gotham. She has a slender figure. She has dark brown hair with platinum and strawberry blond highlights. Her large brown eyes can amaze anyone. But the scar on her shoulder can show what she is really like.

Situation: Abduction by hypnotism with a hint of flirtation

Related to any canon character?: Alfred(Uncle/ Guardian)

You were a mere maid in your eyes, more or less. But to Gotham you were much more than that.

According to Wayne enterprises, you were Bruce Wayne's Butler's  beautiful and intelligent niece.  To the paparazzi, you were the most beautiful person of Gotham. But you thought they were only trying to flatter themselves.

At a young age, you were in an accident. You and your parents went jet skiing and collided with a tree. Only you survived and now the scar on your arm causes you to remember what happened.

You tried to go to school for further education, but you were limited. Your limited money had lead you to work as a maid  and give up your dreams as a writer. Alfred tries to get you to write stories for Bruce, but he can't seem to motivate you enough. He knows that your smart but you don't see it.

Three knocks on the door and your employer didn't let you in? This concerned you. He always allowed you in even before the second one. It caused you to become very concerned about the health of him and his kind wife.

Four more knocks went by and instead there was silence. A chill came down your spine as you wanted to call out their names, but you knew it was rude to do so. Besides, it was in the early hours of the morning.

The sound of gun fire caught off guard. In the corner of your eyes, you saw a flash of light. It wasn't lightning, but instead a blink of death. You scramble to get your things and to investigate where the sound came from.

As each step goes by, you couldn't help but feel as though you were being watched by someone. Around of the corner of the house, you found a strange sight.

Your employer was the one who pulled the trigger, leading to his own death on the side of the house. Next to him was a shovel and a new filled up hole. You didn't know what was inside, even though the couple thought of you as family.

There was nothing else for you but to cry and sob over the death of one of the people that you respected. You began to holler at the top of your lung for your employer's wife's  name, in hopes that she could hear you.

But for the first few moments, there was silence.

Then you hear an unfamiliar voice, that was soft and smooth and completely seemed to have calmed you down. The man seemed to have approached you from behind, with very swift and quick movements.

"You should have hopped away when you had the chance white rabbit. Now with the ruler of her life slain, whom must she serve now?"

You knew that your first instinct would have been to run, but who would deny such a handsome voice like that ? It was just impossible for you to leave your spot.

"Can the rabbit roam free? Oh she should not. She knows tricks that the Hatter needs. " You could feel a pair of gloved hands touch your shoulders as you were still frozen in the spot.

By now, you would have been completely gone, especially since he seemed to be obsessed with Alice In The Wonderland.  Yet, his voice insisted that you stayed right where you were, with your employer's possible murder.

"Did you do this?" Your lips asked as you came back to your senses. Clearly this was all a ploy for this foolish man. He wanted to get his advantage of you. Now, this clever hatter had you locked in, for whatever he needed you for.

"Strange question that you must ask a complete stranger if I say so myself." He claimed. Then you heard the faint sound of a clock ticking . The sound seemed to have been the only thing your mind seemed to focus on.

"Do you hear my clock ticking?" He asked you.

"Yes" You responded.

He spun you around flawlessly. Now you were facing your captor. He was handsome in his own unique way. He had dark brown shaggy hair that matched his beard and large brown eyes.

"Well I didn't catch a white rabbit after all. I caught the beauty of Gotham, Janice Pennysworth. More than a penny for sure."

You couldn't help but smile at him from that comment. He seemed to crawl up right behind you.

But he knew that he had to get to business now. He had you and he needed to keep it quiet. Plus he didn't want to kill you, so he had to think quickly.  He took your hand and placed his on his chest.

"Do you feel your heart mimicking the ticking on the clock?" He asked softly.

Each word that he told you seemed to make perfect sense. Whenever he said it, you felt it. It was as if he was magical to you.


"Now look into my eyes.." You listened and studied his dark brown eyes with intense  stare. "Not above, not below, right into my center."

You began to feel a bit sleepy and light headed because of this. Your head began to ache and the muscles in your body began to weaken.

"Now when I count to three, you will fall asleep..." He cleared his throat. You began to believe anything, and didn't care what was going to happen next. This man to you was extraordinary and had a gift.  He could do anything.

Each number that escaped your lips, you began to get a bit more tired and when he went down to three, you easily went out cold and began to collapse on the ground. It was only your kidnapper who saved you by taking your body and wrapping an arm around it. He pulled your unconscious body close to him and whispered in your ear.

"When you wake up, your going to have no memory of your past. Only the future that we will have together after we find my sister, Alice"


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