Your A Survivor: Dwight (Ft Daryl and Negan) PT 2

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Please read part 1 before reading this part! If you enjoy this, please read my Walking Dead Fanfic, " Paint It Black".

Should there be a part 3?

Dwight didn't talk to her since the thing that happened with the tent. (Y/N) made herself clear that she wasn't willing to sneak behind her boyfriends back to get back together with him.   She wasn't even sure if she would be willing to get back together with him.

She was in love with Daryl and didn't want to ruin every thing.

It didn't take long for the group to arrive at the Sanctuary. Daryl and (Y/N) were both treated differently . Daryl was treated like a dog and tossed into a cell, being tortured by Dwight.

(Y/N) was welcomed back with extra precaution. Her brother, Negan insisted that she would be supervised at all times as he didn't want her to run away again.  When he went on personal business, he would lock her up in her room so no one would hurt her.

He still didn't trust anyone, especially Dwight.

Negan began to notice that Dwight began to eye (Y/N) suspiciously when they were in the same room. This was when he would be extra protective of her sister and would have fits of rage if anyone tried to even take a step towards her.

When it was dark, it was a different story.

(Y/N) would sneak out of her room through her window to see Daryl every night. Their conversations were always one sided as Daryl didn't want to speak to her. He was still mad at how he was linked to his torturer. She tried to reason with him, but everything was a lost cause in his eyes.

Daryl thought that she would betray him just like he felt that everyone else had.

Yet, on the fourth night, she was unfortunately in an tight situation.

(Y/N) was leaning against the door to Daryl's cell, trying to get something out of him. She apologised to him that she didn't say anything earlier about her and Dwight. She assured him that she would figure out a way for the two of them to sneak out together.

"Come on Daryl. I am going to get you out of here!" She whispered softly. The sounds of footsteps alarmed her and she stepped away from the door, making her way back into her room. 

Before she could take a step into the darker halls of the prison, she felt a pair of bony hands grasp her shoulders and push her against the cold walls. She groaned from the impact and didn't dare to look at whomever caught her sneaking around.

She wanted to tell herself that this was all just a bad dream. That her brother was never going to find out about her adventures in the dark. She had closed her (Y/E/C) eyes and pleaded to God that this was not happening.

Her captor's hand pulled her jaw so she could face him. He tossed his hair from his face as he heard other footsteps quickly approaching.  He knew he didn't have much time but he had to think fast.

"Keep quiet! We have to move quickly." He whispered as he removed his grasp on her jaw and covered her mouth.

(Y/N) was in a state of panic even though she knew who it was. Dwight was spying on her no doubt and wanted to see her again. How long did Dwight know that she snuck around to see Daryl? Who knows.

Dwight took her to a place where he thought would be safe. The two of them kept quiet and made their way to his room. Not a place that (Y/N) would consider safe at the moment, but it was the closest room that they could rush into.

Once he had arrived into his room, he slowly closed the door.  Dwight kept the lights off as he didn't want anyone to know that he was there. 

(Y/N) had opened her eyes and seen nothing but darkness and Dwight's shadowy shape. He kept still for a moment before he pushed her against the wall once again.

She hated to admit it, but it brought back memories to her. Back to the days where they were the Romeo and Juliet of the sanctuary. They kept things hidden in dark rooms so no one would ever learn of their secret.

This was different right?

(Y/N) just stared at him before trying to squirm away from him. But Dwight's hands intertwined with hers.

"You can't leave now (Y/N) your gonna get yourself killed out there. " He whispered to her. "Imagine what your brother will think. Your staying here!"

"I cant stay in the same room as you. " (Y/N) whispered back.

"Why? Because of your boyfriend?" He chuckled and gave an invisible smile.  He hated that man, but this was the chance for Dwight to prove to her that he was the only one she needed. "Look (Y/N), a man like him is going to loose it.  He is going to break down."

She shook her head." He wont, he is a survivor"

Dwight rolled his eyes. "No, look he is strong and stubborn as hell I give him that. But you are the true survivor out here. "

"I don't understand."

"You don't need to. You are home now,  " Dwight sighed as he leant his face closer to hers . She knew where this was going and didn't like it one bit. Her mind was torn if she should really step forward with the kiss or if she should back away from it.

They were in love after all.

"I don't think that we should do this_ remember when we had to hide in our shadows to make sure he never found out?" (Y/N) reminded him. She tried to loosen his grip onto her, but he only held onto her tighter.

"Come on..." Dwight growled under his breath. "Remember  (Y/N) , everyone still loves you and so what if your brother finds out about us? He wont want to hurt his only family left am I right." He cupped her cheek then ran his fingers across it. "Can you forget about everything in the present and focus on our past?  Forget about Daryl and think about me?"

(Y/N) knew that this was wrong. It was her mind saying that. But she knew deep down, her heart yearned for Dwight to come back into her life. She remembered the good times that they had in her room, keeping their love a secret. Perhaps, she was meant to be with him. His touches had made her even more tempted to be with him again.

"Please (Y.N)"

Dwight's eyes were onto her as she moved swiftly the final movements to touch his lips. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist  as he held her tighter. (Y/N)' s hands were on his burnt face and his upper back.

"Tough as I remember" Dwight chuckled between breaths.

" Same goes for you D" (Y/N) added as she chuckled.

"But we need to make this quiet." He reminded her.

"Like the good old days."


(Y/N) found herself in Dwight's bed the next morning.  Dwight had his arms wrapped around her and hardly wearing any clothes. When she looked on the ground, she found a large mess around them.

Guess it wasn't a good idea to make out in the dark.

She tries to move up to sneak back to her room, until she felt Dwight pull her back in. There was soft grunting which made (Y/N) giggle a bit.

"I'm not letting you go now, I got you this time."

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