Ch.1 Grodd

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(One week after Zoom broke my back) "You should be up and running by tomorrow." Said Cait as she helped me to Thawne's wheelchair. "I still can't believe that I have to sit in this thing." I said as I sat down. "Well, it's helped you this far, even though Wells...I mean Thawne was evil, surely doesn't mean his chair was." Said Cisco sarcastically. "True." I laughed.(Caitlin goes stiff and exits the cortex) "Oh...ok, BYE!" Said Harry as Cait walked into him as she left. "That was weird." I said. "Yea, where is she going?" Asked Cisco as he looked at the live security footage. "Oh my gorilla." He said in shock. "Cisco? What is it?" I asked. "It's Grodd, he just took Caitlin." "What?!" I asked as I made an attempt to stand up. "I need to let Joe know." I said as Joe called me. "Barry, I have some news for you. And to be honest I'm not to happy about it...We found a man, squished on the side of a building. The man had gorilla hair on him....I think Grodd is back." Said Joe. "Yea...he just took Caitlin, we are working on finding him right now, I'll talk to you later...bye." I said as I hung up. Whose Grodd? Asked Harry. "A huge, terrifying, and telepathic gorilla that an army general did experiments on and is now...going bananas." Said Cisco with a grin. "Seriously, Ramon?" Asked Harry. "I had to, I'm sorry." Cisco replied. "Interesting though." Harry whispered. "How?" I asked. "On my Earth, there is a city in Africa where highly intelligent gorillas live in sanctuary."He replied. "Wait...what if we open up one of the breeches, and sent Grodd through it, best this gorilla sanctuary?" Cisco suggested. "That's brilliant, Ramon. You and I will get on that...Allen, you try and get moving, we might need your speed to catch him." Said Harry. "I had a feeling you would..i'll be in the other room." I said as I wheeled away.(At an unknown location) "Ugh...where am I?" Asked Cait as she woke up. "Welcome...Caitlin." Said Grodd as he turned around. "Grodd?...Why did you kidnap me? Just please let me go home, let me go back to..." Said Cait as he interrupted her. "The Flash? So he can come and defeat me again? No..I need you to do something for me." Said Grodd as he showed her a table full of brain-enhancing drugs. " want me to make your telepathy stronger? I..I don't know how." Said Cait in fear. "Learnnnn." Grodd replied as he looked her straight in her fearful eyes.(At STAR Labs) "Ok, I think that you and Harry should go look for Grodd at his old hideout in the sewers. I suggested. "We'll do that and have all the cameras in the city on the lookout for any large gorillas...minus the zoo." Said Cisco. "But you need to go get some rest, the more you sleep, the quicker you'll heal and be able to run again." Said Harry. "Ok...wake me up if you get any hits." I said as I rolled into the side room.(The Next Day) "Ah, good, you're up." Said Harry as he grabbed some chalk and his Earth-2 gun. "We found Grodd. Looks like he went from sewer to abandoned tower. He's in an old church." Said Cisco as he showed me the computer. "We are going to have you lure Grodd to a breach. We will then use some of my...our magnetic knowledge and have him get sucked towards...and, hopefully, into the breach." Said Harry. "Where's the breach?" I asked. "Down by the docks...You able to run?" He asked. "Sure am." I replied as I stood up with no struggle.(At Grodd's hideout) "How is it going?" Asked Grodd as he looked over Caitlin's shoulder. "I'm almost done, the serum needs to settle or it will kill you when you take it in...10 minutes." Said Cait as she looked at her watch in terror.(I enter the hideout) "Oh! Well this is the one. Hey wanna have Cait? Well, unfortunately for you, that will only happen over my dead body." I said as I picked her up and left the abandoned church. "ARRRRRRHHHHH!!!! Caaaaaitlinnnnn!!!!" Roared Grodd as he jumped out the roof and climbs after us. "Barry...Barry, we are at the docks. There's gonna be a white circle, Grodd needs to be in that circle in order for the magnets to pull him into  the breech." Cisco explained. "'s Cait, I'll be back." I said as I ran to the edge of the white circle. "FLASSSSHHHHH!!!" Roared Grodd as he landed behind the circle. "You want me?...come and get me." I said as he began to walk towards me. "More...just a bit...NOW RAMON!"Shouted Harry. "Bye Felicia!" Said Cisco as he activated the magnets. "Noooooo!!!!" Shouted Grodd as he was pulled towards the breech. "Get ready to close it, Ramon." Said Harry. "Yeah....oh my ape! He's trying to get out if the breach!" Said Cisco. "Allen! Push him in!" Said Harry. "Ok......ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I shouted as I kicked Grodd into the breech. "Ughhhh...did you shut it?" I asked. "Yeah...he shut it." Cait replied as she helped me up. "Are you ok, Snow?" Asked Harry. "Yea, I'm fine, thanks Harry." Said Cait as he gave her a hug. "How about I give you a lift home?" I said as I lifted her up and took her to her apartment. "Well...looks like we have to drive 15 minutes. Shot!...." Said Cisco as I took him to his apartment. "Allen, you better..." Said Wells as I dropped him off at the Labs.(At Joe's house) "I got the door, Dad." Said Iris. " are you guys?" I asked. "Barry! You're walking! How are you? I saw you at my work a few nights ago and I was thought you might be dead!" Said Iris as she began to tear up a bit. "Wouldn't be the first time you guys thought I was dead." I said sarcastically. " ok?" Asked Joe. "I'm fine, I can run again...that's all that matters." I replied. "No..what matters is that you're here, I'm making dinner, you should eat with us." Said Joe as we entered the living room. "Oh yea! You should invite Cisco, Caitlin...and Harry if you wanna." Said Iris as we sat down. "That would be great." I said happily.(On the other side of the city/In a small suburb) "AHHHHHHH!!!!" Shouted a speedster in a disoriented voice as he came out of a time portal. "Wh..What the?...Gideon? Asked the speedster as he looked around. "Yes, Professor Thawne?" Gideon Replied. "Where the hell am I?" Asked The Reverse Flash in confusion.

 "Where the hell am I?" Asked The Reverse Flash in confusion

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