Ch.4 Black Siren

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(It has been 2 months after we sent Reverse Flash back to his time. There have only been 3 new Earth-2 meta humans. They were called King Shark, Geomancer, and Rupture...) TODAY, in Central City News. The Central City University football team lost their away game last night at Gotham. Said a newswoman. Yes, they were playing in Gotham City. The Gotham City University football star Victor Stone carried his team to another win, Gotham is now 3-0 and Central City is now 2-1. Said a newsman. In other news, involving Gotham, Wayne Tech has donated more to the GCPD in their search for the person who has killed 4 ex-police commissioners.  Well, we will be back at 12:00(p.m) for our food-day special. Said the newscast as Cisco turned the tv off. Wayne Tech...didn't they shut down? Asked Cait. Nope, but they do they do keep getting more and more fame and fortune. Said Cisco as he slipped on his chocolate milk. Hey everybody, I'm back! Said Jay as he entered the room with 3 boxes. Jay! So good to see you! Said Caitlin as she hugged him. Hey, how are you Jay? Asked Hunter as he slurped on some coffee. I'm good, and I heard that you have some interesting powers. These should help you use them when you want, not when your powers think it's relevant. Said Jay as he handed me a box. Ooooooh these are some awesome looking goggles. I'm..I'm gonna go try 'em out. Said Cisco excitedly as he ran to his lab. And for you Cait, I got you this. Said Jay as he handed her a box. Jay! That's a beautiful necklace! It really looks good on you Caitlin!..oops, sorry! I guess that means the goggles work! Shouted Cisco from his lab. Hahahah. Laughed Jay and Cait as she opened the box to see a snowflake necklace. Oh Jay, it's beautiful, thank you! She said as he hugged him. Your welcome. He replied as he hugged her back. So, where have you been? She asked. I visited what you, on this Earth, call the Sister Cities. Jay replied. Did you hear about what happened up there a few months back? asked Cait. Yes, I did. I saw some of what they call Ground-Zero. I also his burial site. Jay added. Does he exist your earth? No. We all saw a meteor coming for Metropolis, but the military blew it up. This was before I had, and lost, my speed.(I enter the cortex) Hey Cait, do you know where Cisco is...Oh, hey Jay! How've ya been? I asked. I've been good...Been doing some sightseeing. Said Jay with a grin. Have you seen Cisco? I asked. Yes, he just went to his lab. Replied Jay. Sweet, thanks! I said as i ran to Cisco. Ahhh! Don't do that!!!Screamed Cisco. Sorry man..I need a favor. I found this in the time-vault. Reverse Flash used this to have his suit with him at all times. Do you think you could work with Harry and make me one? I asked. Hell YES! He replied as he grabbed the ring from me. Thanks, i'm gonna go do another patrol, see yah in an hour..Bye. I said as I ran out of the building.(Half an hour later) Well, I'm gonna go visit the City with never ending crime. Said Jay as he picked up his jacket. Be careful, there's been an assassin killing people there lately. Said Cait nervously. Hy, maybe the Bat will save me. Hahaha. Said Jay sarcastically. Does he exist on your Earth? She asked. No. Well, we have someone who fights crime in a cruel manner like him. He calls himself The Wildcat. Jay explained. One of our friends from Starling City knew a Wildcat, she said he died while they were fighting to save the city.(In an unknown location) You are the last of my officers. Can i trust you, or do you need to die like Reverb and Frost? asked Zoom to an unknown person. No, but when I'm done with The Flash, you're gonna wish you sent me first. Said a woman. Do not attack him yet. I will take others to the CCPD and make that our...headquarters, you take down a few buildings. Especially Mercury Labs. Said Zoom as he pulled up his mask and ran out of the room.(1 hour later) Barry?! Barry! Shouted Cait over the radio. I here yah! I replied as I kept running through the streets. There have been two demolished buildings, and the trail looks like it's leading to Mercury Labs! Said Cait. I'm heading there right now! I replied as I ran even faster. Hell Snow, how are you? Asked Henry as he walked in. Barry, he's going to investigate the demolition of two buildings. She explained. Building demolitions? Where they planned? Asked Harry. No, why? Asked Cait. Well if I'm correct, and pray that I'm not, those demolitions might've been cause by Black Siren. Harry replied. Black Siren? Asked Cisco as he entered the cortex. She's a metahuman who's scream is as loud as a thousand sirens, therefore she's called Black Siren. I'm here..I don't see anybody, except for the people who escaped the building. I said as I looked around.(Computer starts beeping) What's that sound? I asked. Mercury Labs, its beginning to collapse! Said Cisco. I see it! I replied as I ran into the building and got everybody out. Did you get Dr. McGee? Asked Cait. Oh crap! I shouted in my head as I ran back inside the Labs. Help! Please?! Anybody?! Shouted Tina McGee as I ran into the room. Oh, Flash! Thank the...LORD! She shouted as the floor collapsed.(I run in the debris and catch her and take her to safety) Oh, thank you Mr. Allen. She said as she sat down. What? I asked in shock. I'm a scientist, I make observations. Last year, when you borrowed my tachyon prototype, I notice you go sound the corner and then a spark of electricity come off of you. She explained. Don't tell anybody, please. I insisted. Don't worry, Flash, I've kept it a secret for a year..I'll continue to do so, thank you for saving us, I hope you find who did this. Said Tina as I began to head to STAR Labs.(A few blocks from STAR Labs) Hey, i'm on my way back, we need to start getting a cell read f...I said as a loud cry made me fall. Barry, whats wrong? Asked Cisco.'s Laurel Lance. I replied in shock as I examined the meta human. How do you know that? Asked Harry. We are friends with with her doppelganger. Poor Lauer Lance, birdie gone-good, on this Earth anyway. Said Black Sire. Why are you here? Did Zoom send you? I asked. Actually, I noticed how many of his followers had fallen from your hand, so I volunteered. You think you can kill me? Oh i'm not gonna kill you, i'm just gonna put you through a lot of pain. Zoom's gonna wish he asked me to take care of you first. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! she shouted painful cries. Aaaarrrrhhhhh!!! I shouted in agony as she continued to scream too. Barry! Said Cait as she watched the fight from a street camera. We need to get down there and help him. Said Harry as he grabbed his gun. No...I've got this. Said Cisco as he grabbed his tech-glasses and left the cortex. What does he have planned? Asked Harry. I dunno. But it better work. Said Cait as she looked back the the computer screen.  Hahaha!! Don't you see? It took me 5 minutes to bring you to your knees, it took Zoom 4 months to remember how powerful I was. You thought you where gonna stop me? Well let me tell you, Flash, you will never beat me or Z...said Black Siren as Cisco shot waves of vibrations...from his hand. What the? I said in confusion as I sat up. I went to reach for a tool to use on fixing the suit-ring-thingy, and I was pretending to do the force...and then I shot these vibrations at it on accident. Said Cisco as he helped me up. Nice job Ci..I mean?...I said. can call me Vibe. He said with a grin.(At STAR Labs/In the pipeline) You think you've won Flash?! Asked Black Siren. Should we tell Oliver and the real Laurel? Asked Cait. No, this wouldn't make any sense to them. You think you've won..but you haven't. You know, Killer Frost, Reverb, and I where the only wins who knew Zoom's identity. And so does your friend,...Jay Garrick. Said Black Siren with an evil grin. Shut the door. I said as the door began to come down in front of the cell. You can see stuff if you touch certain objects right? After we found out you had powers, you said you touched Dr. Lights' helmet and found her at the train station, right? I asked. Yea...why? Asked Cisco. I have an idea. I replied as we went to the cortex.(In the cortex) Touch...this. I said as I held Jay's helmet in front of Cisco. What? He asked. Cisco, please? I asked. Sometimes my heart has to be racing, like when I was nervous that I thought Stein found out, which he did, and when I touched Lights' helmet, it worked. He said nervously as he put his hands in the helmet. Ramon, I'm sorry about this but...Aaaa hahah!! Shouted Harry as he shocked Cisco. Ow! What the...oh my Lord. I'm in full on vibe  mode right now. Said Cisco as he went into vibe mode. Cisco. What do you see? I asked. I see Zoom, he just running around...the CCPD. He's, going to your lab Barry...he's reaching for his mask. Said Cisco as his heart raced even more. Ramon? What do you see? asked Harry. My God...It's Jay, he's Zoom. Said Cisco in shock as he dropped the helmet.

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