Ch.6 The Race of His Life

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I shouted as my dad's body hit the ground, lifeless. Now, we are truly the same Barry. said Hunter followed by a twisted grin. I..I will KILL YOU!! I screamed as i pushed him up against the wall. That's the spirit, Flash!! Said Hunter as he ran to the city, with me following him. Jayyyyyyyy!!!! I shouted as I lost him.(A few minutes later) Arrrrhhhh!! I shouted as grabbed him by the neck. I've got you Zolomon! I said with more anger. Yes, Barry! Use your anger!! End Me!! Arrgghhhhh! Yelled Hunter as...the real Zoom vibrated his hand through the other's chest. Wha?...A time-remnant? I asked. You can beat me Barry, but you have to be willing to kill your future-self. Said Zoom as he ran off. Hunterrrrrrrrr!!! I screamed as i ran after him, but lost him.(Back at Joe's house) Bar?..Asked Joe as I walked in, carrying my dad. Hunter Zolomon will die. I said as I ran to the cemetery.(The next day) How do we find him? Asked Iris. Cisco?..Could you vibe him? I asked. I dunno, I could try. Wait, do you have an object of his? Asked Cisco. Here...I said as I ran an retrieved the dead time-remnants body. AAHHH!! Shouted Iris, Cait..and Cisco. You killed him already?! What the hell Barry?! Asked Cisco. No, this is his time-remnant, Hunter from the future. I said as I dropped his body on the couch. Ok..I'll see what I can do(Goes into vibe-mode) Ok, I have something. Said Cisco as he sat down. What is it? Asked Cait.'s a BIG circular machine. And it keeps showing Barry and Zoom running around it. Said Cisco as he took of his vibe-giggles and stood back up. Ok..I have an idea. I'll be back in a little bit. You guys should go to STAR Labs and have Harry help you. I said as I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house. Well, let's go. Said Iris as he grabbed her jacket. Yo! Your just gonna leave him here? Asked Cisco. Yeah, that's not good to just leave there. Said Cait as I ran in and took the body. See, no trouble. Said Iris as they left for the Lab.(In an open field) Ok Barry, you got this. Alright, here goes nothing! I said as I began to ran and then ran into the future.(17 years from now) I dunno Hal, I'll see when Iris and I can go out for di..Said my future self as I came out of the time-stream. Oh, good! I need your help Barry! I said as I put my hand on his/my shoulder. Wh..ok..what do you need...past-me? He asked. You may not like it, but I think it's my last option. I said as we sat down. Ok, what is it? He asked. I need you to help me, I've seen what Zoom is planning to build, and it could be destroyed if a speedster countered it by running around it in the opposite direction. I explained. The Magnetar. He said in shock. Yes! I replied. I'll die won't I? He asked. Yes. I replied. Ok..just lets tell them bye. He said as the others entered the cortex. Your leaving? Asked Iris. Yes, he needs my help. I remember this..coming into the future asking for my future self for help. I'll help you Barry, just make sure that you take care of Zoom before the Magnetar next time, but we still need to let Dad die. Said Future-Me as he grabbed his suit. Yes, I understand. I said as I pulled out mask up. When will you need me? He asked. Just be in the time-stream as this time. I said as I handed him a sheet. Done. He replied. I'm sorry that I have to do this to you, but don't worry, he'll reform after Zoom dies. I would gather all of your friends and share your farewells. I said as I pulled my mask up. Yea, we will meet up with everybody at the Hall a special spot. Said Future-Me. Ok, I'll see you then. I said as I ran back to my time.(Back in my time) Ahhhh!!! I shouted as I landed in water as I came out of the time stream. Hello, Flash. Said Zoom as he pulled his mask down. What do you want Zolomon?! I asked as I got out of the water. I wanted to let you know, that whole you were, probably, talking to your dad in the past, that I took Joe and Caitlin. If you want to see them alive again, you have to race me. No backing out. He said as he began to walks around me. Where are we racing to? I asked. On a device that will destroy the whole multiverse. Leaving this Earth, Prime-Earth. Said Hunter as he continued to walk. And if I don't want to? I asked. Then your fan girl and dear dad number 2 will be killed, and we both know that you won't let me but a hatful gunfire on them. Said Hunter as he pulled his mask up. Fine, i'll meet you at your..device. I said. Magnetar, see you then Flash. Said Zoom as he ran towards the city.(At STAR Labs) So you have a plan to get my dad and Cait back? Asked Iris. Yes. I replied. But you can't tell us? She asked. Correct. I replied. Well, I think we should trust Allen, but, we should make our own invade his doesn't work. Said Harry as he entered the cortex with Cisco. Ok, what are we gonna have as Plan A/B? Asked Iris. Well, we can't tell Barry. Said Cisco with a small grin. Heh, very funny. I said as I returned a grin. Alright. Ramon, West. Let's go get to work. Said Harry as the went to Cisco's lab. I'm going to kill you Hunter Zolomon. I said as I looked at his old helmet.(That night/Next to the recharge of Mercury Labs) Are you ready for this Allen? Asked. Harry. Yea, you look jittery. Cisco added. I just Shen a lot of faith in my plan. I said as I pulled my mask up and walked over to Zoom.(Across the street) Whoa, The Flash..and that Zoom guy. Said a teenager. Whoa! I need to get the news...Hello? I think I have a story that you definitely want to miss. Said the teen to the new station over the phone.(Back at the Magnetar) How many laps until you power it up and win? I asked. 500, if you beat me before so, and it stops receiving energy, it will power down. Said Hunter as he pulled his mask up. Ok..lets finish this. Say the word, Zoom. I said as I pulled my mask up. Run, Barry, Run! Said Zoom as we began to run in the Magnetar.(Across the street) Where are they? Asked the reporters. Over there! Said the teen from earlier. Ok, record this. Said a newsman as a bunch of people crowded the street. Look. Sad Cisco. Back up, so they don't see us. Said Harry as he pulled Iris and Cisco back.(On the Magnetar) Not fast enough, Flash! Said Zoom as he ran by me. Not alone I'm not. I said as a portal opened. But together, we'll win. Said my time-remnant as he came out of the portal. Keep running, I'll get the others. I said as I ran to Joe and Cait. Barry? The..there's two of you? Asked Joe. A time remnant. Said Cait. Yep, but you two need to ru..I said as Zoom tackled me. A time remnant?! Stole my trick Flash! Shouted Zoom as we began to fight.(Across the street) As you can see, The Flash and the blue speedster are in an astonishing battle. There seems to be another Flash, perhaps a sidekick if The Flash. Said the newsman as the crowd continued to watch the fight.(Back at the fight) Goodbye Iris..said the time remnant as he looked at her and began to become energy. Ahhhh!! Shouted the crowd as his energy destroyed the Magnetar. Nooo!! Shouted Zoom as he went to punch me. Not this time! I said as I through him to the ground and pulled part of his mask off. You won't kill me Barry, we both know you don't have the stomach to. Said Zoom as I vibrated my hand above him.(Two creatures come out of a speed force) Time wraths? He asked. I don't have to kill you...they can. I said as I stepped back a few feet. ARRRRRHHHH!!! Shouted Zoom as the wraths flew around him, causing him to become a skinless-demon. Bye, Hunter. I said as they took him into the portal. Yayyyy!!! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Shouted the crowd.(I take the others back to STAR Labs) You did it Barry, you finally got him. Said Cait. Yep, after all these months, we finally took him down. Said Cisco as I put my suit up. What are you gonna do now? Asked Iris. I'm gonna take a week off from work. I said as I grabbed my jacket. Sounds good, let's go. Said Joe as he did the same. I'll see you guys later. I said as I left for the CCPD.(At the CCPD) Ok, I'll see you next week, Mr. Allen. Said Captain Singh as I exited his office. See yah next week Barry. Said Joe as I walked bye. See yah...Oh I'm sorry sir! I said as I knocked into a man in a suit. Oh it's ok, you couldn't help me, could you? Asked the man. Sure, what's up? I asked. I'm looking for the forensic scientist of this department. Oh, well that's me. I'm Barry..Barry Allen, and you are? Wayne, Bruce Wayne. The man replied.

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