say yeah ( peterick fanfic )

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Patrick's P.O.V

today was the day that could change my life. that could make me famous and mean something. I'm auditioning to be in a band. my best friend since kindergarten, Joe told me he was starting a band and he knew how much I love music.. I'm auditioning to be the drummer.. I've never been much of a Singer even though Joe says I have the best voice he's ever heard.. it's just not for me..

after I got dressed and ready I went to practice the song I would be playing for Joe and whoever he's bringing with him.. I'm going to be playing "paradise city" by guns "n" roses. I've practiced that song so many times I could probably play it in my sleep..

after practicing it one more time I went downstairs to wait for the guys..

my mom was fixing a batch of cookies for them.

"okay, honey the cookies are done!" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

okay thanks mom.

after a few more minutes I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped up to answer it. I looked down at my outfit.. I hope this sweater is okay. I thought to myself before answering the door.

"hey Patty!" Joe said.

um hey Joe, come in guys.

there was just one other Guy with Joe.. he was about my height. he had short black hair and a few tattoos on his arms... he looked kinda mad. 

um so we can go up to my room if you want to hear me play. I said.

"yeah sure dude and oh, by the way this is Pete. he is the bassist in the band"

me and "Pete" locked eyes for at least 10 seconds. there was Something different about him.. but I didn't know what..

"h-hey" I said reaching my hand out for him to shake.

he had a really firm handshake, which actually hurt. but I didn't say anything..

we walked up to my room and I told Pete and Joe they could sit down on my bed.. I walked over to my drum set and got setup.

"um, are you guys ready?" I asked.

whenever you are pat. Joe said with a smile.

I began to play. I looked over at the guys a few times while I played. Joe was smiling his face off and Pete, wasn't so much..

"patrick, that was amazing!" Joe said.

thanks! I said.

so, what did you think Pete? Joe asked.

"he was okay" Pete said with no emotion.

um, Patrick let me and Pete talk for a second..

"um, okay" I said while walking out into the hall.

after a few minutes I heard the door open.

"okay, Patrick" Joe said.

I walked back in my room. "so I talked to Pete and told him how good you can sing... he wants to hear you"

um Joe I really don't want to.. I really can't sing...

oh of course you can pat! you have the best voice I've ever heard. c'mon sing. Joe said.

I thought about it for a few seconds.

okay well I guess I'll sing a little something.

Say Yeah ( peterick fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now