california part 2

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patrick's P.O.V

we were now off the plane and had our bags.

we hailed a cab to the nearest rental car place. once we got a car, we were on the way to my aunts and unlces.

i didn't have any trouble finding it cause i used to come here every summer when i was a kid so i knew it pretty well. 

we pulled up in the driveway and grabbed our bags with personal care stuff in it. we'll just get the bags with clothes in it later.

i knocked on the door and in no time my aunt opened it. "patrick honey" she said while giving me an awkward hug since i couldn't hug back. she looked down at the bags in my hands. "the guest bedroom is"

"i know where it is, i used to stay in it when i was younger, remember?"

"oh that's right!" she said sounding a little confused.

i didn't really think anything of it. me and pete went up to the room and sat our bags down and went back downstairs.

"where's uncle tim?" i asked.

"he's just taking a nap before dinner," aunt debra said.

i just nodded my head.

me and aunt debra caught up a little since i haven't seen her since i was 14. she said hers and unlce tim's health isn't in good shape. aunt debra has heart trouble, and uncle tim has a rare skin condtion that can be deadly if not treated properly. i feel bad.. them having to pretty much take us in since their struggling.. but i guess i just need to shrug it off.

"well dinner is ready! patrick honey, would you be a dear and go tell your uncle tim it's ready?"

"of course" i say. i head upstairs to their room. shoud i knock? i think i will. 

i knocked and i heard a muffled "yes" i opened the door and uncle tim was in bed. he looked bad.. his skin was a yellowish tent. it was also really dry too. he looked like a monster..

"patrick, how are you?" his voice was so weak.

"i'm uh good. aunt debra wanted me to tell you dinner is ready" i said while akwardly looking at the floor and playing with my hands.

"would you mind helping me up?" he said.

"s-sure" i walked over to his bed. he looked worse close up.

he began to sit up. do i really have to touch him? patrick, that's your uncle.. don't be so harsh.

i got snapped out of my thoughts when he starting coughing. it sounded horrible. i didn't know if i should ask if he's okay. i didn't know what to do.

i grabbed his arm and helped him up. he pointed to the wheelchair in the corner. i rolled it over and he slowly sat down in it.

"um uncle time? how are you gonna get down the stairs?" 

"i'll have to walk, so you'll have to help" he said in his cracky voice.

once we were at the stairs, he stood up and grabbed onto my shoulders. we slowly walked down. how does aunt debra do this?

we were now at the bottom. i went back up to get his wheelchair. once we were at the dinner table, i sat down and begin fixing my plate. i really wanted to wash my hands after touching him but i didn't want to look rude.

"who are you?" uncle tim asked looked sternly at pete.

"ohh i forgot to mention pete to you honey. pete is patrick's boyfriend. patrick is gay.." aunt debra said.

uncle tim took a sip of water since his throat was so dry. he slammed the glass down. "gay?" he asked mad.

"umm, yeah uncle tim" i say looking at my food.

"i will not have queers in my home" he said sounding more mad.

"tim honey, please don't act like this. they love each other" aunt debra said.

"i don't give a damn debra. they're gay. i hate gays, you know that," uncle tim said looking straight at pete.

"we can um, stay somewhere else.." i said.

"nonsense patrick" aunt debra said.

"no, tim is right. this is his home and we're pretty much disrespecting him and his home. we'll stay at a hotel," pete said while getting up.

"pete, stop it! YOU TWO ARE STAYING" aunt debra yelled.

this is so awkward. i thought to myself.

"fine, but i'm going to bed" pete said running up the stairs.

i decided to do the same. i pushed my plate away and got up running after pete.

i walked into the guest bedroom. "pete, i'm so sorry. i didn't remember tim being that way towards gays," i said while rubbing his back.

he started crying. "we're never gonna be accepted patrick.." he said while tears were streaming down his face.

"i know.." i said while hugging him. he cried into my chest. after he let all his tears out, we decided to go to bed. great first day here.. i thought sarcastically.

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