the fair

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patrick's P.O.V

ugh, pracitce was bad.. andy and joe kept looking at me and pete the whole time. i knew they weren't excited about the fact that me and pete kissed. me and joe have been friends since kindergarden and he always knew i liked girls.. but i guess things have changed...

"see ya man" joe said while giving me and pete one last glare. after he left andy followed without saying anything.

um, patrick? i heard pete say from behind me.

i turned around. "y-yeah"

"um, i'm sorry" pete said.

no, i'm the one who should be sorry.. i'm the one who kissed you. i said while looking down at the floor.

"well, who said i didn't like the kiss" pete said while walking closer to me and kissing me on the cheek. which i blushed like crazy.

oh, you did?

"of course. i really like you patrick.. and i wasn't sure if you would like me.. like that"

well, i do. i said while looking into his deep brown eyes.

patrick, do you want to go to the carnival?

"like a date?" i asked.

pete smiled. yeah. like a date.

"um, yeah sure. just let me go home and change"

okay, i'll pick you up at 5:30.

after pete said that i left. i got in my car and drove to my house. then, i thought of something.. what do i tell my mom? she would never let me actually go out with a guy... i don't want to lie to her.. i never lie to her.. i was feeling nervous with what i should tell her. 

i pulled into the drive way and went inside.

"hey patrick" my mom said from the kitchen.. she was cooking lunch.

um, hey.

my mom looked up at me. "pat, what's wrong?"

oh no. she knows somethings up. what do i tell her?

"oh um, nothing.. i just wanted to ask you something.."

okay sure, what is it?

can i go out tonight? um to the fair?

oh uh sure.. are you taking someone? she asked.

um, yeah... a girl. i said feeling nervous.

"a girl from?"

i didn't know what to say.

"um, one of joe's friends."

oh okay, well can i meet her? she asked.

i paused for a second.. i didn't know what to say. i forgot my mom would want to meet "her" but if she found out it was a guy.. i don't even know what she would do..

um, sure. but not tonight.. we're just friends.

alright. she said.

i walked upstairs and took a shower. i forgot pete was coming by to get me.. that will be great. i thought sarcastically.

after i got out of the shower i changed into black skinny jeans, a red and white stripped sweater, black sneakers and of course my hat.

i finally went downstairs, not knowing what i would tell my mom.

"oh wow patrick! you look very handsome" my mom said.

thanks. i said while fixing my sweater.

um, i guess i should go ahead and go. 

okay, be careful. my mom said while giving me a hug. love you.

"love you too mom" i grabbed my keys and got in my car. i drove over to pete's. it was 5:13 and he said he would pick me up at 5:30.

i knocked on his door. after a minute i told him about my mom and how she doesn't like "gays" pete understood, which i'm so glad he did.

shortly we left. we arrived at the fair in now time. pete paid for my way in. we first went to the bumper cars. and pete hit me several times. but it was fun.

"do you want something to eat?" pete asked.

um, sure.

we walked up to a concession stand. there was a pretty long line. i turned around to face pete. he started tickling me which people looked. i hate being tickled. i stepped back and bumped into someone. 

"oh my gosh! i'm so sorry" i looked up at the girl. she was beautiful. she had the prettiest brown eyes and her black curly hair was hanging off her back.

"oh um, it's fine." she said with a little smile. which was perfect.

okay, uh sorry again. i said before turning around to face pete. 

after we got our food and sat down pete wanted to ride the haunted ride. which i didn't want to put i wasn't gonna say no. i hate scary things.

we were placed in a 3-person seat. there was already one person sitting in our spot... it was the girl from earlier.

"oh hi again" she said.

h-hey. i said.

me and pete sat down. i was next to the girl.

"i hate scary things.. but my friends dared me to ride it by myself." she said.

i actually hate scary things too but my friend pete, wanted to ride it so.. i said quietly so pete wouldn't hear me.

"so what's your name?" she asked.

i'm patrick. yours?


"nice to meet you, elisa"

you too patrick. she said with a smile.

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