Why does morning come?

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Things to look out for
Y/N=your name
M/N=middle name
M/U/N=made up name
L/N=last name
W/T=weapon type
W/C=weapon color(s)
A/C=Armor color(s)
H/C=hair color(s)
E/C=eye color(s)
F/C=favorite color
V/N=village name
L/T=lord title(what the villagers called you)
T/C/N=teasing nickname
F/N=friend name

Levin's POV
By the time I got back to the house Y/N was asleep on the couch,I sighed and then picked her up.
Y/N open her eyes a little,I could see that they were a little glazed but she still smiled up at me. I walked her up to the room and laid her down,as I got ready for bed she wrapped her arms around me from behind stopping me from finishing. I turned around and looked down at her,she nuzzled her head on my bare chest.
"What's wrong," I asked
She replied almost instantly ," It's nothing I'm just scared."
"Of what?"
"I-I don't want him to come back,I don't want to lose you."
I cupped her chin and kissed her.

Levin lifted my chin up and kissed me,I starred wide eyed for a second before closing my eyes and reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck. His hand fell from my chin to my waist and he picked me up not breaking the kisses between us. Levin carried me to the bed and laid me down,he reached for the buttons of my shirt and unbuttoned them.
'He's the only one I'm will to show this much to.'
"I love you,"he whispered in my ear before kissing down my neck to my shoulder

When the morning came neither of us want to get up,when the sun shown in through the window I turned away and held on to Levin. I heard him grown and he wrapped his arms around me in return.
"I don't want to get up," he mumbled
"Me neither,"I mumble back. "Can we stay in bed a little longer?"
"I wish."
I sigh rubbing my head on Levin's chest.
"Ok maybe just a little longer,"he said with a small laugh
"Good because I wasn't going to let you go anyway."
He chuckled at my remark but soon tightened his embrace on me.
"Let's just say I was thinking the same thing."
"I love you Levin."
"I love you too,Y/N."
We fell back asleep in each other's embrace not want to get up for anything not a knock on the door or breakfast,we had each other and that's all we needed.

Levinxreader (Starting Anew) [My stone heart is breaking BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now