The little argument

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Things to look out for
Y/N=your name
M/N=middle name
M/U /N=made up name
L/N=last name
W/T=weapon type
W/C=weapon color(s)
A/C=Armor color(s)
H/C=hair color(s)
E/C=eye color(s)
F/C=favorite color
V/N=village name
L/T=lord title(what the villagers called you)
T/C/N=teasing nickname
F/N=friend name

I was sitting on the bed that was in the lower part of the boat well Levin slept,I smile at him before putting my eyepatch on and heading up to the top deck. I looked up at the dark sky,the wind felt nice as it blowed my H/C hair into my face but soon I felt something metal pressed against the side of my neck. I stiffened up and as I glanced to the side I saw Laurence in his shadow knight form.
"You're coming with me." He said
I heard someone walk up the stairs from the bottom deck and soon Laurence disappeared.
"Y/N, what are you doing up so late?"Levin asked
"Umm,I...No reason." I replied
Levin walked over to me and I turned to look at him,he placed his hand on my cheek,his hand was cold and the ring didn't help much either. Levin lowered his hand.
"Come on,lets go back to bed." Levin said
I nodded my head and walked a couple steps behind him as we walked to the lower deck. We crawled back into bed and I snuggled up next to Levin, he slowly undid the tie of my eyepatch and moved it over to the side of the bed before he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes but as I was on the break of going to sleep I heard Levin say,"Why does it have to happen like this,she's the only one I love and I want to keep her safe,but how."
I heard Levin's voice weaver a little like he was going to cry.
"Why did it have to be you,why did it have to happen this way."
I want to comfort him without him think I was listening so I cuddled closer to him. He placed his chin on my head and I could hear him cry softly. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and he held me tighter. Levin lowered his head to my shoulder and he lightly kissed my neck.

Later that night I woke up to Levin shifting in bed rapidly,I sat up and looked down at him,he was sweating and his eyes were tightly shut. I placed my hand his forehead,he's burning up. I got up and rushed over to the box of food and water we had,I pull out a rag,a bowl,and some water. I walked over to him setting the bowl of water on the the floor I knelt down and dripped the rag into the water,I squeezed it out and placed it on his forehead which made him open his eye a little.
"Y/N?" He mumbled
"I'm right here." I say
I ran my fingers through his sweat damp hair and smiled at him.
"I guess we changed roles huh,not to long ago I had the fever and now you."I say
"We can't turn back now."he mumbled
"Levin,you're sick, you can't go visit the people of someone else's village and get them sick as well,that's disrespectful."I say as he looks at me
"You know that when you get worked up like this your F/C eye glows so brightly."he said
"Levin,it's not the time for that,we have to turn around."
"We can't."he said
"I love you,I really do but why are you being so stubborn? Your health is what's important to me,so why can't we turn around?"
"Because,it's your village."
I froze,I starred wide eyed at him. When I was able to move again I got up and walked to the top deck tears sliding down my face. It was cold out but I didn't care I starred off into the ocean until I felt someone's arms wrap around me and a blanket as well.
"I'm sorry."Levin said holding me tight to him under the blanket
I stayed silent,the only sound was the ocean and Levin and my breathing.
"I was being stupid,sending a letter there,and stupid for thinking they wouldn't reply."
I turned around in his hold and wrapped my arms around him,I cried against his chest and he held me close. I didn't care if I got sick from it I just want to be with Levin,nothing else mattered.

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