Levin the caring

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Things to look out for
Y/N=your name
M/N=middle name
M/U/N=made up name
L/N=last name
W/T=weapon type
W/C=weapon color(s)
A/C=Armor color(s)
H/C=hair color(s)
E/C=eye color(s)
F/C=favorite color
V/N=village name
L/T=lord title(what the villagers called you)
T/C/N=teasing nickname
F/N=friend name

I was lying in bed per Levin's request,I found out I had a fever yesterday and Levin has been doing everything he could to try to keep it down. As the door open I glanced over and saw Zoey walk in.
"How are you feeling Y/N," she asked
Zoey walked over and placed her hand on my forehead,she then reach into her bag and pulled out a small bottle full of this greenish liquid.
"Take this,it should help."
I sat up and drank the liquid,it tasted like some made me eat iron shaving but I swallowed it as quickly as I could. Zoey left and Levin walked in,he sat on the edge of the bed.
"You didn't have to take the whole day to take care of me,"I said. "I could of gotten by on my own."
"I'm not going to leave you stranded at the house with a fever,"he says running his hand along my cheek. "And plus I'd expect you to do the same for me if I got sick."
I giggled and leaned into his hand.
"I love you Levin,more then anything in the whole world."
"I love you to."
I placed my hand over his and he kissed my forehead lightly.
"Now get some rest,you'll feel better in no time,I promise."
I laid back down an closed my eyes soon finding myself fall asleep.


My fever is gone and I was just laying in bed with my head on Levin's chest as he slept,I sat up a little and reached my left hand for his looking at both our rings. His hand closed around mine which made me jump a little.
"Why so jumpy." he mumbled
He opened his eyes a little and smiled up at me,Levin lifted his right hand and ran it along my cheek before sitting up a little as well. Levin wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss,when he pulled away he pulled me close to him.
"I don't want to let you go." he said
I smile as he kissed the top of my head.
"I don't either but we still have a lot of work to do." I say look up at him
He tightened his embrace on me and he rolled over.


Levin was in his study up stairs so I decided to bring him something to drink,as I opened the door I saw him asleep in his chair. I giggle a little as I set the tray on a nearby table,I walked over to him looking down at his sleeping face. I lean down placing my hand on the arm rest and kissed him,I felt him turn his head a little the kiss back.

 I lean down placing my hand on the arm rest and kissed him,I felt him turn his head a little the kiss back

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I pulled away slightly as I looked him in his beautiful blue eyes. He slowly lifted his hand to my cheek.  I lean into his hand as he pulled me into another kiss,he pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.
"No matter how many times I look at you I fall in love with you all over again." he whispered
I lift my head and kelt down besides the chair which made Levin's eyes widen.
"What are you working on?"I asked
Levin schooled his features before he replied,"I'm working on trade with a village nearby but they have so many standards on their trade."
I grabbed a piece on paper on the table in front of him and scanned the contents.
"I think I might get it,for everything they trade with us they expect the same amount,maybe more, of something different that they don't have."
"I think there's more to it then just that,it'd be too easy."
I look up at him as he leaned forward in his chair. I looked at his expression when he looked at me.
"Do you ever wonder what happened to your old village,V/N wasn't it?" Levin asked
"Well sometimes,why?"
"Well you were suppose to be the lord of V/N but you ran away."
"Well I kinda had no choice,if I stayed I was surely going to get killed like all the other people. Levin,can we please not talk about this,it's still a touchy subject."
Levin sighed before standing up and walking towards the door,as he opened the door a piece of paper fell to the floor.

Levin's POV
I open the door as a piece of paper fell to the floor,I look up at the ceiling and then down the hall and there was no one there. I pick up the piece of paper and read what was on it,

Meet me in the old guard tower,and bring your girlfriend too.

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