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Levin's POV
Y/N was upstairs asleep well I was downstairs watching the twins.
"You two are a handful,you know that."I say as Leo crawled over to where I sat on the floor
Y/N has been up almost every night since they were born taking care of them and although she may not say it aloud it's getting to her,she's has almost passed out just by walking down the stairs so I told her to go take a nap.
"If only you two under stood me,that'd make life a lot easier."I say placing Leo in my lap
As I was playing with the twin there was a knock on the door.
"Hold on."I call as I placed the twins in their play pin
I open the door to see mom standing there with Alina and Lilith.
"I didn't expect you to come by."I say
"I thought I'd come check on you 4 and see of you're doing,and the girls wanted to see the twins."mom say
"Babies!"they cheer
"Sure,com on in but please try to keep it down. Y/N is upstairs taking a nap."I said moving aside so they can come in
Alina and Lilith rushed over to the twin as mom and I sat on the couch.
"So how have you been?"mom asked
"I've been fine,but I'm more worry about Y/N more then anything."
"Did something happen?"
"She's just been up every night since they were born. I try to help out but she says there's nothing I could do."
"She's strong willed,she's not going to admit defeat so easily."
"I know that but she's really overdoing everything."
"I know you're worried Levin but Y/N is stronger then you may think."
"I know that but still..."I trail off as I look at the stairs
"I'll be right back."
I head over to the stairs and walk up to our room to check on Y/N. As I open the door I saw her sitting up leaning against the backboard of the bed.
"Hey,how do you feel?"I ask walking over to her
"I-I'm fine."she said
"You still sound tired."
"Yeah,I am but I can't sleep all day."
"Y/N,you need your rest you've been up every night since Claire and Leo were born you need your rest."
"I'm fine Levin."
I look down at her,she looked as if at any given moment she'd pass out from exhaustion.
"What is it you're not telling me?"I asked
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why aren't you taking the opportunity to sleep well you can? You need it more then anyone."
Y/N looked away from me,she had a sad look in her E/C eye.
"I want to tell you,I really do but I can't."she mumbled
"Why can't you tell me?"
"It's about Leo."she whispered
"What's wrong with him?"
"You can't help with it."
"I can help,he's my child as well."
"It's about the darkness in him,it's taking over."

Levinxreader (Starting Anew) [My stone heart is breaking BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now