My love for him

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As I walked was picking flowers outside when I heard Evan call for me.
"Y/N,where are you."
"I'm over here!"I call back I as I come out from behind a tree.
I rush over to him and once I reach him he picked me up.
"What are you doing so far from the cabin?"
"I'm sorry,I didn't know I was this far out."
"Anyway,let's get back."
Evan put me down and I grabbed his hand as we walked back to the house,once we got inside I rushed to the kitchen to see Leon working on dinner,Evan leaned on the door frame as he watched me. Leon turned around and smiled down at me.
"You two are just in time,dinner is almost ready."He said
"It took me a little to track her down,she was out in the woods."
"Y/N,it's dangerous out that far."Leon said
"I'm sorry,I was just looking for beautiful flowers and I lost where I was."I say looking down
"I can't stay mad at you,you're to adorable."Leon said before he hugged me
"I don't think anyone can stay mad at her."I heard Evan say
Leon let me go and I look up into his chocolate brown eyes.
"You don't you go set the table well I finish up in here."he said
I smile up at him before I went to work setting up the table for dinner. After dinner I helped Evan with the dishes before I got ready for bed myself.
It was a cold night the night a shadow knight took me from my bed well I slept.

Leon's POV
The next morning I went to check on Y/N but she wasn't in her room so I started to look frantically around the house but I couldn't find her.
"Leon,what's wrong?"Evan asked as he walk out of his room
"Y/N's missing."

I was sitting on the couch talking with Leon as I bounce Claire on my knee.
"She looks just like you when you were younger."Leon said as smiled down at her
"You think so?"
"Most definitely."
"You said Leon here took care of you when you were younger,right Y/N? So why does he look not much older then you?"Levin asked
"The truth is I'm a Shadow Knight." Leon said. "Evan and I escaped the nether and soon after we ran into Y/N and we raised her as if we were actually family."
"That's right,I still remember the countless times you've saved me and protect me."I say
Levin stood up and walked to the front door.
"I'll be back."he said before he stepped out
"What's with him."I mumble
"Y/N,go after him. I'll watch these two."Leon said
"I can't ask you to do that."
"It's fine and plus don't you think of me as your parent?"
"Well yes but-"
"I'm tell you to go after him."
I take Claire off my knee and set her aside on the couch before I hug Leon.
"Thank you."I whisper
I rush out the front door look every left and right before Rosaly said,"He's straight ahead."
"Thanks Rosaly."
I run forward into town,dodging the villagers as I looked for Levin.
"Where is he?"I thought
As I came to the beach I saw him sitting on the sand.
"Levin!"I call to him as I rush down to him
He stayed looking at the water as I sat down next to him.
"What's wrong?"I ask as I look at him
"What is he to you?"
"What is Leon to you?"
"Levin,he's just the person who's taken care of me when I was little."
Levin looked at me,he looked sad.
"What am I to you then?"he asked
I placed my hand on his cheek as I kissed him. I pulled back to see his cheeks were red.
"Does that answer your question? You're the only one I will ever love this much."I say
I kiss him again,not caring what passerby's think.

Levinxreader (Starting Anew) [My stone heart is breaking BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now