Where am I?

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Things to look out for
Y/N=your name
M/N=middle name
M/U /N=made up name
L/N=last name
W/T=weapon type
W/C=weapon color(s)
A/C=Armor color(s)
H/C=hair color(s)
H/L=hair length
E/C=eye color(s)
F/C=favorite color
V/N=village name
L/T=lord title(what the villagers called you)

I open my eyes slowly and the dungeon from my vision was right in front of me,I'm chained around my neck,wrists,forearms and my legs.
'This can't be!"I thought as I struggled against the chains
"I would do that if I were you."
Someone approached me from the shadows and it was a shadow knight. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing come out.
"The Shadow lord will come and check your power soon enough

Levin's POV
"Levin,what's wrong?"
"I can't find Y/N anywhere and when I went back to check on her she wasn't at home. I've looked all over,have you seen her?"
"No,I haven't seen her since this morning."
"Please,No."I mumble as I rush out of Aphmau's house
I rush around Phoenix Drop try to find her but still, Y/N was still no where to be seen.
"She's gone again isn't she."
I turn around quickly to see Nico.
"Yes,I can't find her anywhere."
"I told you not to let her out of your sight."
"She had Rosaly,I thought she was fine."
"Who's Rosaly's?"
"Y/N is a so called spirit worrier and Rosaly is the spirit that lives in her."
Nico's Eyes widen like he's heard of it before.
"She's in more danger then you think. I know where she is but the spirit can be manipulated easily."

I struggle against the chains as the door opened with a loud creek.
"This weakling is the spirit master?"a very deep demonic voice asked
"Yes,lift her eyepatch and you'll see."
I man in red armor walked towards me and reached for my eyepatch but I look away. He gripped my chin and turned my head towards him and he removed my eyepatch.

Rosaly's POV
Once I was free I started to fire at the person in front of me.
"I see you have a temper."
He unhook the chains from the wall and ground then dragged me out of the cell. I was thrown into what looked to be a battle arena.
"This is my opponent,she's looks weak."
The woman in front of me pulled out her sword and swung at me. I rolled out of the way and magically changed into my battle clothes.
"A bit revealing don't you think."the woman asked
"I find it quite comfortable and easy to move in,easy to move in then the skirt your wearing."I reply
I pull out my weapon and got ready to attack

"I replyI pull out my weapon and got ready to attack

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