The Nightmare

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The next morning when I woke I noticed Levin wasn't next to me,as I sat up I also noticed the twins weren't even in their crib either. I looked to the door as it opened to reveal Levin with the twins in his arms walked in.
"Why good morning Ms Sleeping Beauty."Levin say with a smile
He walks over to me as I finally sat up,I reach up and grabbed Leo from his arm. Leo H/C hair was all over the place and fixed it as he squirmed in my arms. I smile down at him before a sharp pain shot through my right eye.
I reach up and place my hand over my eye and Levin set Claire down before getting down to my level to look me in the eye.
"Are you ok?"he asked
I nod as the pain got stronger.

Levin's POV
"Let me see."I say
Y/N moves her hand and slowly opened her eye,I saw it flash from E/C to F/C rapidly. Leo starred up at Y/N as she held her hand over her eye,her face contorted in pain but she didn't scream. I grab her eye patch off the bedside table and placed it over her eye. The pain seemed to stop but even with the eyepatch on she held her hand over her eye,Y/N looked to me before she set Leo aside and reached out to hug me.
"L-Levin."She mumbled
"I'm right here."I reply
I heard her start to cry softly and I held her tighter.
"Momma."Leo said from where he sat on the bed
I look over to him to see his light blue eyes filled with worry,even for a baby he knew something was wrong.
"I'll be fine."she says pulling back and wiping her eye
"Y/N,I want you to take it easy today."
She nodded as she put on a smile


Y/N's Nightmare
"MoMmY,cOmE oUt AnD pLaY." A creepy demonic kids voice called
I hid behind a wall hoping for the kid to pass but he just stuck around.
I hug the wall even more,scared of what might happen to me if he finds me.
"FoUnD yOu!"
The kid turned the corner and lunged at me....

I gasp as I open my eyes,startled by the nightmare I had. I felt tears roll down my cheek as I sat up and looked around,I was on the couch in the living room. I heard someone walk down the stairs and I look over at them to see Levin and Malachi. Levin looked over to me and noticed the tears trickling down my face.
"Hey,what's wrong?"he asked rushing the rest of the way down the stairs and over to me
"N-nothing."I reply reaching up to wipe my eyes
"It was a nightmare,wasn't it?"Malachi asked from where he stood
I look down trying to hide the rest of my oncoming tears but I couldn't stop my shoulders from shacking.
"I'm right, aren't I?"Malachi asked
"Malachi,what's going on?" Levin asked
"It's obvious,she's scared and when I got here she was asleep right? Which only means one of two things she had a nightmare or she is just naturally terrified,but knowing her she would never be that second option."Malachi explained
"It was bad."I whisper as I hug Levin
"Just calm down."he says
My nightmares never lie,what happened in that nightmare will most likely come true.

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