Strike One

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"So how was your sleep last night?"

I jump from surprise and hit my forehead on the ledge of the bunk bed. Alya, whom I just met last night, asked the question while her head is hanging from her bed on top.

"It..." I hesitate, "It was okay."

It was horrible. I have never fell asleep uncomfortable in my whole entire life until last night. Seriously, even the beds are shorter than the ones in my old bunker.

"That's good to know that it was 'okay'. It wasn't okay for the rest though." Alya whispers and she climbs down her bed and sits beside me. "Mind if I sit here?" she asks, even though she was already sitting.

"Yeah, you can sit here." Like as if I would say 'no' when you are already sitting!

"Maybe tonight..." she starts whils fiddling with the sleeves of her scrubs, "you can control your snoring..." she continues while whispering.

"Oh." Oh, shoot. You got to be freakin kidding with me. "Was I...loud?" I ask and she timidly nods her head up and down.

"But don't worry!" she says reassuringly, "You were not the only one snoring..."

"Ugh.." I grumble while rubbing my forehead out of stress. My sleep was uncomfortable but I still managed to snore?

"Do you nurses snore?" I ask and Alya laughs a little.

"Normal people snore. Doctors and nurses don't." she simply says leaving me baffled.

"What? I don't understand-"

"We can never sleep well because we would never know when a person needs close your eyes and the next thing you're doing is operating on a soldier! It's crazy and hectic. Trust me."

"It's like having the work of God..." I mumble and Alya asks to know what I just said. "You heard me?" I ask.

"Yeah, you said something."

"I said that you have the work of God..." I repeat and Alya hums in response.

"I've never thought of it that get up!" she slaps my knee, "It's time for breakfast."


The canteen is packed with nurses only since the soldiers were having their early morning work-out and training.

I look around trying to find a place where I can sit until I feel someone bump me hard, making me try to catch the falling food from my tray. I turn around to see Rose, all red, trying to stifle a laugh. I scowl and she just sticks her tongue out at me.

"Hey moron. We're sitting over there." she points to a table where all the soldiers, who were chosen to be nurses, were sitting, talking really loud and eating their food like pigs.

I immediately walk to the table and I land my tray on it. They all stop their conversation and look at me.

"Okay, listen up." I announce and I place my hands on the table. Rose arrives at the table, just in time to hear my announcement.

"We can't act like this anymore." I start and they all look confused. "I mean, come on guys! We're nurses! We have to act like a nurse!"

"We are acting like nurses right now." Rose butts in, "I mean look," she says referring to her scrubs, "we're wearing what they're wearing."

"We may look like them. But what we are missing are their personalities and attitudes!" I lean closer and I whisper, "We have to act like as if this project is working. Then the government wouldn't even suspect a mutiny from us-"

CHOOSE (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now