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"Careful!" I place my arm in front to block her from an incoming motorcycle as it drives by us in full speed, not even caring for the other pedestrians, street vendors, street children, and beggars on the street.

"Damn, it's like you got a sixth sense or something," she utters in shock as we both stop walking for a moment and stay by a place with ample shade that's given by a torn tarpaulin used as a roof.

The amount of people, and dilapidated buildings surrounding us could not even compare to the busiest of streets back in the capital where I've stayed my entire life.

The mixture of smog, dust, and different kinds of odor is enough of an indication that we're not in the capital anymore. Rather, we are in the area most poverty-stricken.


"Felix," I immediately correct Marinette as I warily look around the area to see if anybody heard her. "Remember, don't use that name here," I continue after I see to it that the coast is clear.

"Ah, shoot. Sorry," she apologizes. "Felix, I think we should find somewhere else to stay for the night."

"Hang in there. We'll eventually find one before night comes."

Marinette and I have been walking around the busy area carrying with us a bag just enough to carry what is essential (enough money, a first-aid kit, a cloth hood, canned food, and I slipped in a walkie-talkie and handgun that Marinette stole from their supply).

Before we left the base at dawn, Marinette gave hair dye to change my hair color to brown since there is more of a chance of the people here finding out who I am than her. Marinette did not change anything on her but her name.

While I chose 'Felix', she chose 'Sabine'. And with my curiosity getting ahead of myself I asked her why she chose that name. She answered in a whisper, "It's a familiar name to me."

Now Marinette and I have been walking around to find a place, even if it's just a simple inn to stay in for the next few days.

Marinette fixes the hood covering her hair as we continue to walk. I notice how her hair cascades down until a little below her shoulders.

"It's my first time to see you with your hair down like that," I comment as I nudge her.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She snaps, clearly bothered with what I said.

"It could mean that I'm saying you're beautiful with your hair down."

She immediately tightens the hood on her head, then clears her throat. "Like as if you could see my hair under this."

"Suit yourself." I raise my shoulders in surrender and try to hide the smile threatening to show on my face as it's a joy to make her flustered again.

"Felix, you're making me wish I brought Nino instead."


She lets out a laugh just enough for me to hear it. This time I allow myself to smile with her. "I'm messing with you," she tells me.

"Oh, really now?" I tease her.

"Yeah-Ow!" She exclaims as a street child bumps into her. The child just has a dirty over-sized shirt on him and is not wearing anything on his feet. He looks around nine or 10 years old. He tightly clasps in his hand a white plastic bag that he inhales from before spitting at our feet.

"Hey, that's not nic-"

"Get away from here before I take that from you!" I interrupt Marinette and point at the plastic bag the child is holding. I use the accent and way of speaking the locals in the area use. The child immediately runs away from us, maybe back to his friends who may be inhaling from their own plastic bags as well. My chest clenches in pain for them.

CHOOSE (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now