You Are Important

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Hey guys!

I was reading over some comments in the book today, and I specifically chose the chapter dedicated to asking any question and getting a correct answer.

A lot of you asked along the lines of "Am I important?" or "Is my life important?". This kind of made me sad, because I never realized how many people question that. And I might not be a super influential person in your life, heck I'm just a crazy writer, but I want to tell you this:

Yes, you are important. I know that life is hard, and very confusing. Sometimes we just don't know which direction ours is going to go. Will we be famous? A small town resident? A politician? A traveler? Some of us just don't know, I know I don't. But I promise you 1,000% that your life is very very important. If you were never born, the world would not be a stable environment. It would probably have exploded by now if you weren't. Because without you, there is no balance. Sound far fetched? I know, but it's true. You all have a purpose and a goal in life. And sometimes it's up to us to choose that direction. Your life matters, and if you don't believe me, then listen to Markle Sparkle here 

But you are all important. Your life matters. You matter. And you'll find your direction. I promise. It might not happen when you're 18, it might happen when you're 40, or 19, or 95. It's never too late to find what you're supposed to do. But until you find it, travel, see the world, experience life, love, get heartbroken, make strangers smile, make the world a better place one little thing at a time. And it'll be much easier to find what you're life is supposed to be. <3

I love you all, and you're doing great! I'm super proud of you!

Questions To Ruin Your Life (Absurdity Series, #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora