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Hello tiny beings!!

The alpacas have sent me here to tell you that you're lovely comments have not gone unnoticed, and thus, our new book will be:

*drum roll*

Absurd Quotes To Make Your Friends Question Your Sanity

!!!!!! :D

I'm so psyched to do this book and I want you to know that I'll create the coming soon page within a few hours so you can add it to your library. It'll be published probably very soon, as I don't think I can wait until this book is finished.


Also!! Very important!

I'm sure a lot of the quotes will come straight from me and my best friend, because we're weird af. In that event, not only will she be dedicated so you know, but I'll add a little note.


There will be a chapter for you to comment your own quotes to add to the book!!! That's right, now everyone is involved!!!

So get those memory squishes in gear because you can comment as many as you'd like!! And they'll all be published!! (More details to come in the next book)

Questions To Ruin Your Life (Absurdity Series, #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora