Chapter 24: Mephisto's throne

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Wow two chapters in one day. Well like I said before my internet has been having issues so I've actually had these ready, just waiting to be spell checked, for a while. Thanks a bunch to fluffy again. Please enjoy and give feed back. I love hearing positive feed back. The photo at the top is a different outfit for Lilith.


(Lilith's p.o.v)

How hard is it to find an Otaku demon king in our own house?

"Mephisto!" I knew calling for him wouldn't work but I was out of ideas. I blinked seeing a shadow from the corner of my eye and turned quickly to see Amaimon. He waved a little and put his fingers to his lips.

"Aniue is in Gehenna, be quiet and I'll sneak you in with me." I blinked, confused. I quickly tilted my head, asking how silently hoping he'd get the message. "Aniue, when he mated with you, made you part demon, but only slightly. It means no demons weaker than him can sense you, and those higher can be fooled by the illusion spell I'm about to do. If this works, only Aniue and I will be able to see you but you must remain silent or it won't work" I nodded and he snapped his fingers and I shivered as the cloud of green and yellow smoke and sparks cover me. Once it cleared, Amaimon took my hand and placed his key in the lock.

The door opened and the air from it smelled of rotting flesh. I allowed Amaimon to pull me through and kept close to him as the door closed behind us. He led me down a dark, creepy looking hall way. I tried to catch a glance out the glassless windows but regretted it the moment I did. The sight of rotting corpses does explain the smell however. It's hard to believe Mephisto and Amaimon grew up in a world like this. Mephisto has dark moments towards others and so does Amaimon, They are demons after all, but both of them are so nice to me. How would Rin have turned out if he was brought up here?

Amaimon pushed a large pair of doors open and I walked in, staying close to him. I see a group of human people standing in the middle, well, humanoid people more like. Mephisto was in the good, talking to a red haired man. They must be the other 6 demon kings. I look around seeing 8 thrones all in a large circle. With a basic chair with chains in the centre.

"About time, brat" I blinked seeing a taller green haired male address Amaimon. He didn't seem bothered and kept walking towards Mephisto. I followed, and only now noticing he's wearing the purple suit that he is forced to wear when I summon him. So I was right. It is his true form. I see Mephisto turn to look at Amaimon and his eyes widen slightly, most likely coz I'm behind the 7th king.

I took a second to take in what I could of the other kings. I saw Lucifer, same as he was in the manga, already on his throne which is made of gold. I see Astaroth looking the same as when he attacked Rin, so I'm guessing he took over that same boy again, talking with the taller green haired man that had called Amaimon a brat, this man also wore what looked like leather and had a moth on his shoulder. I see the red haired man Mephisto had been speaking too now speaking to a blue haired man. They wore uniforms. The red haired man wearing an Army one, the blue, a Navy one. The last man sat on a throne that looked to be made of mist. He had long grey hair that half covered his face and wore what looks like a grey school uniform.

"Amaimon, what took you so long?" I see that Mephisto seemed to be talking to his other brothers. I jumped as his voice rang through my telepathic link with him. "You are in so much trouble what the hell are you thinking?"

"I was just making sure I locked Behemoth in his cage, Aniue" Amaimon looked so calm, but then again he always kinda does. I did puppy eyes from behind Amaimon.

"I was looking for you and Amaimon found me, said you were here and bought me here. He cast some kinda spell on me too. I'm sorry. I was lonely" I see Mephisto blink and his gaze quickly looks around.

"Well, let's take our seats. I'd rather get this over with quickly." "the spell explains why none of my brothers can see you, when I walk up to my seat, follow and sit behind it. Don't make a sound" as if like clockwork, all the kings walk to each throne, if they haven't already done so. I follow Mephisto up the steps and sat behind his one, which I swear wasn't made of solid matter because it kept changing, from his usual one he sat in the air to one made of sweets, than one that had different stars all over it and back again. I sat myself so I could still see what was going out, which out moving from behind the chair.

I noticed that Amaimon sat on a chair made of plants and earth. Does that mean each throne is made of their powers to match their title? So then the red haired man sat on fire must be Iblis the 3rd king. The blue haired man sat on the one that looked like coral must be Egyn the 6th king. The green man that sat on a throne that looked like it was made of honey comb must be Beelzebub the 4th king. The grey haired man on his mist throne must be Azael the 5th king. I shivered noticing Astaroth's throne is made of bone and rotting flesh. Thank fuck it doesn't smell.

"Well then, let's get down to business. It's nice you finally came to one of these again, Samael" I hear Lucifer talk with a bored voice.

"Yes, well, I was getting annoyed with the constant members of Azael's kin breaking into my office" Mephisto's voice sounded normal besides the underlying annoyance that was clear to me.

"They were just doing as I asked Brother. I heard some funny stories from a few of them" I hear Mephisto hum as if bored.

"Isn't he always funny? He's become too human if you ask me" I blinked unable to see who spoke.

"Yes maybe your right Iblis, they said he's spending a lot of time with a black haired female"

"Who I spend my time with at my school is none of your concern, she is a student of mine who is rather troublesome." What the, I'm the only black haired girl that goes in his office. Is he trying to hide the fact that he's found his queen? To be fair, I have no idea what they might do to me. Amaimon is one brother and he likes Mephisto, if the others don't, who knows what they would do.

"Could we get on with this, it's rare we have to all pass judgement on a criminal after all" I blinked hearing Astaroth's voice. Pass judgement on a criminal? But this is Gehenna. Wouldn't they just kill them and be done with it?
I blinked hearing chains ratting and see the door open. A man, well a demon in the form of a man, is pushed into the room, in chains, by a large snake. I shiver, since I hate snakes, but stay still watching the demon get chained to the chair in the centre.

"Well, well. Let's see. what did this one do?" Astaroth taunted.

"Apparently he tried to break into the palaces to destroy the gate we use to travel" came Lucifer's voice. The gate? But Amaimon used his key, no wait, the key is part of Mephisto's powers so Mephisto must be able to come and go as he pleases while the others need this gate or, in Amaimon's case, his key. "At the time, most of us where in Assiah so we would have been trapped there until word reached Samael. However, who knows the damage he could have done while we were gone?" Wouldn't Satan protect his world? Why wasn't he here? "After Father went mad when our youngest brother's mother died, if we all vanished, this demon could have killed father"

Wait, their father went mad? I'll have to ask Mephisto about that.

"Then why are we wasting time? Let's kill him" came a call from Beelzebub.

"if we don't do this right, we won't prove that attacking us or our home is wrong. Don't you agree, Lucifer?"

"Yes, Samael is right. His death needs to be public."

It felt like hours had passed since this stupid trial had started. I kinda zoned out when they started talking about murder ideas. It wasn't until I hear footsteps that I zoned back in. I look round and almost screamed. Standing next to Mephisto's chair is Azael.

"How is Assiah, Brother?"

"Well, it's my humble playground. Having Amaimon around does make life more interesting."

"I didn't want to bring this up in the meeting because I was sure none of the others noticed but the girl that followed Amaimon in, is she your student?" I see Mephisto's hand grip the arm of his throne. "I know you saw her, I watched your eyes widen. None of the others seemed to, though" I gulp as Azael's eyes moved to look at me. "You're rather small, young one." I just stared at him, unsure what to say, what to do. Would he kill me? No, he couldn't. I only had to fear Lucifer since he's the first king. Mephisto is stronger than the rest of them.

"She can't speak, the spell Amaimon used to hide her will break if she does. Azael please don't tell the others. It's Amaimon's fault she's here, not hers." Mephisto spoke in barely more than a whisper.

"Alright, if I can come to Assiah for a bit and speak to her. I'm rather intrigued by her. She seems different" he sent me a sort of smile as he spoke to Mephisto.

"Fine, let's go" he snarled those words out and I knew to get up and follow. "Amaimon if Behemoth broke out, I'm taking your sweets" Mephisto shouted this as we left, followed by Azael.

"Wait for me, I'm coming Aniue"

As we returned to the manor I slumped to the floor, thankful for the air not smelling of death. I hear Amaimon shouting at Mephisto to stop as Mephisto dragged him down the hall, snapping that he's a fool and wouldn't have sweets for a month.
"Are you alright?" I froze and looked up to see Azael still here. He looked confused, his head tilting slightly as he stood next to me. "Should I call for Samael?"

"She's fine, just shocked. Lilith, it's alright, Azael won't hurt you" I look past Azael to Mephisto, who had returned to his usual clothes minus his cloak and hat. I nodded and got up.

"Sorry, I just-" but I shook my head, telling myself it's silly to worry about the state of the demon world. It has nothing to do with me. "You know what, ever mind. I'm gonna go make lunch. Yeah, lunch sounds good"

(Mephisto's p.o.v)

I watched her walk off rambling about lunch and sighed.

"Is she really okay?"

"Shell-shocked, most likely. I never told her about Gehenna. she most likely believed it was like that but the reality of it must be a bit much for her." I didn't really mind Azael, out of the others beside Amaimon, he listened to others and wasn't all about being Lucifer's puppets. I had trained him for a few years as well so that might be it.

"She took it better than most, is she half demon?" I shook my head walking off toward Lilith's kitchen, knowing he'll follow me.

"No, she's a human with a demonic life span. She also won't age from now on but she doesn't know that part" he blinked as I winked and pushed the door open. The smell of cooking filled the air as we entered. I see Amaimon sulking in the chandelier again. He's gotten into the habit of when I'm mad with him sulking up there for two reasons. One: I can't be bothered to get him when he's up there and two: Lilith protects him while he's behaving up there. "Something smells good" I look over the bar table and blinked seeing her mixing what looks like a batter. Her cook book out as she does. As I go to speak again, I duck the wooden spoon thrown at me.

"No! We agreed you stay out of the kitchen." I pouted, not caring what Azael saw since my poor mate was upset and most likely scared.

"I just wanna help"

"More like poison your baby brother who only wanted to help me find you. If you're bored, go play Mario Kart or something" I pout and turn to see Azael trying not to laugh.

"Something funny?"

"I think, Aniue, he finds your relationship with Lilith funny." I glare at Amaimon as he speaks. Azael nods, most likely not wanting to risk me hitting him when he speaks.

"Yes, well Lilith is-" before I could finish Lilith does it for me.

"He's being silly and cryptic. Meh, if Mephy brings you here, I'm sure you're able to take the news he's married. Hi, I'm Samael's wife"

(Lilith's p.o.v)

I enjoyed seeing Mephisto start stammering. Azael blinked clearly shocked. I hear Amaimon's quiet laugher too.

"Personally, I'm shocked he's the first." my eyes glancing up to Amaimon. He gave me the look of don't bring Shiemi into this.

"He isn't, Brother Lucifer is, but Samael always said he'd never get tamed by a human so this is rather amusing." I looked at Mephisto who looked like he's been taken down a peg.

"Lucifer is a familiar, so that makes three demon kings, correct?" I grin as Amaimon hisses. Azael blinked.

"Lucifer and Samael, who's the third?" I pointed up and Azael blinked and now looked more shocked. He quickly looked at Amaimon. "Amai! My little brother is already mated!" Amaimon pouted.

"No, I'm not mated, she's making me wait 'till after we're married but I'm still her familiar"

"I was like that for a while. Humans today seem to still need to get married" I punched Mephisto in the arm.

"Even if you're my god, even you need to follow the rules." he pouts looking at me.

"I do, to the letter, Meine liebe" I glare as he gives me a flirty look.

"Yeah, no cake for you" he blinked and I drowned out his complaining. "Amaimon, you can have as much cake as you want"

"Wait a sec, he's being punished"

"By you, not me, Mephy. Azael, are you staying for dinner?" I see Azael blink and slowly nod.

"Yes please, may I call you sister?" I blinked at the request and shrugged.

"Sure, I guess. Amaimon, go invite Shiemi"

"But she'll freak, seeing brother Azael!" I gave him a stone look. "I well, I just-"

"She knows you're a demon king and you're perfectly fine. Besides, if she's your future queen, shouldn't she be told the truth about Mephy anyway?"

(Outside p.o.v)

As Amaimon left, Mephisto showed Azael around. Azael looked around Mephisto's office in wonder as said king finished the last of his paper work.

"This world is so different. I see why you like it, brother. I must have just landed in a boring place when I first visited." Mephisto didn't look up.

"My life does have its boring moments, however the fun does more than make up for those moments."

Azael blinked as he took off the shelf a small pill bottle. He read the label and blinked. "What's this brother? I've never seen this before" Mephisto looked up and the second his eyes saw the bottle he cringed. Azael blinked, emotion showing for a split second. "It bothers you? Then why keep it in your office?"

"Because it's Lilith's pain killers. If she is in pain, she'll be brought here" Azael blinked again and Mephisto looked away, still feeling sick thinking about it. "When the top members of the order found out they branded her as a witch. The believed she was Christian when she isn't. Their rules forbid me marrying a Christian so when I tried to explain they wouldn't listen. She got in a battle for her freedom and was hurt badly. I was able to save her but she was still hospitalised for some time. It's my fault she got hurt, if I'd revealed myself, I could have prevented it from happening but-" he closed his eyes, remembering her order, that even if he wasn't summoned as her familiar he followed, 'Don't you dare help me. This is my fight' "it's over now. I just would rather not think about it"

"So you almost lost Sister. No wonder you didn't want the others to know" Mephisto went back to his paper work as Azael went on looking around.

"I'll tell them at some point. I just don't want to force her into anything. I waited over 17 years to get to this point already, I can wait longer for the others to know"

"Yes, the role of our queens I guess must be very taxing. Brother Lucifer's wife is rarely around, but when I do see her, she's always so uptight. Your wife, Sister, is nicer and more pleasant to me" Mephisto chuckled.

"Yes, Meine liebe is rather different to Lucifer's wife. I guess it's to match the personality of their demon, though Amaimon and Miss Moriyama are rather mismatched. You'll see what I mean but she's rather shy. I don't think she's ever told Amaimon off. Lilith...well..." Azael grinned for a second and Mephisto shot him a dark look. "She doesn't like me flirting in public."

"Who can blame you? You've gotten yourself quite the woman, Brother. I hope my wife is like yours though"

(Lilith's p.o.v)

I greeted Shiemi as Amaimon walked her into the living room. She'd never been here before so it's nice to see her look slightly shocked.

"I pictured Sir Pheles living a little differently." I shrugged, then slapped Amaimon when he went for sweets.

"No, you'll spoil your dinner!"

"But Aniue gets sweets before dinner" I glared at him and Shiemi blinked. She'd never seen me and Amaimon together before, so this must be new to her.

"No, I don't, and please remember, we're nice to our chief. You're a bother sometimes." I snort seeing Mephisto walk past Amaimon messing his hair up earning himself a hiss. "Good evening, Miss Moriyama, I hope my little brother's been behaving himself." Shiemi blinked stunned as my husband spoke. "Before you ask, yes I'm one of his older brothers. The other that will be joining us is just trying to figure out how to turn on the tap."

"Brother Azael isn't used to the human world. It's alright, Shiemi. I wanted you to meet my family"

"Some of it. Speaking of which, have you washed your hands, Amaimon?" said demon looked at me and I hear Mephisto snigger. "Go" he darted off and Shiemi blinked.

"He listens to you? Wow, I thought he only listened to me since he's my familiar" I laughed.

"Meine liebe has just learnt to control him in other ways. Amaimon lives here with us and, well he, as you know, has a habit of breaking things. We have learnt to control his behaviour with candy."

"Sister, I washed my hands. Is there anything I can do to help?" I blinked looking at Azael. Shiemi blinked and stepped closer to Mephisto. Azael looked at her confused.

"Oh yes. Miss Moriyama, this is Azael, Azael this is Miss Moriyama, Amaimon's tamer." Azael blinked and tilted his head.

"I see what you mean when you said they are more different than you and Sister." Shiemi blushed.

"We're not that different. Amai-Kun and I love gardening. I can also summon a baby green men named Nii. Amai-kun is just a little more able to enter battle than I am." Azael's eyes seemed to sparkle after Shiemi spoke. Amaimon returned just as this happened and wasn't surprised that Shiemi hid behind him.

"Who made brother go creepy?" Mephisto snorted as Azael snapped out of his daze hearing Amaimon's voice.

"Sorry little brother. It's just that she already has a pet name for you. It's so cute." Amaimon growled.
"Lilith has many pet names for me." Mephisto stated smiling brightly. Azael shrugged.

"You're creepy, big brother. It's only cute if sister uses nicknames for anyone but you."

"You little brat!" Mephisto lunged for Amaimon, only for me to stop him from moving by swinging the Mephy bat between them, spraying glitter over them both.

"Mephy, don't strangle Amai-kun" Azael's eyes shined again. "Azael, please take a seat at the table beside Mephy."

"Of course, sister." Azael smiled brightly for the first time since we met. Mephisto and Amaimon looked stunned. "It's so nice to be in a true family. I'm so glad to have met you." I was stunned by his reaction. 

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