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Ricky POV

Here she was again at my window. I open it and here she stands tear stained and bruised. Her father hit her again. He does it every night, especially more when he's drunk. I wrap her in hug and she gladly accepts. She's been coming to my house ever since sixth grade when we became best friends and she told me all her secrets. She can't keep doing this though, one day my girlfriends Adrian's gonna come in and she's gonna be pissed to find Amy in my bed. I lie down and she lays down beside me, cuddled into my chest. Ever since her mom took off with her little sited her dad David hits her. (A/N I couldn't make George bad, so I improvised and put David)

She lowly cries as I rub her back. I look at her face, and she has a bunch of cuts and bruises. I tired to get him in trouble, but whatever I do it never works. He doesn't do anything but hit her, but if he ever sexually abused her I would kill him. She eventually falls asleep and so do I.

She always somehow leaves before I wake up. She usually goes home gets ready for school and waits for me to pick her up. I have my breakfast and walk down to her house and couple houses down. She managed to cover up her cuts and bruises with make up. "You alright?" I ask walking back with her so we can get my car. "Yeah, can we not talk about it though?" She asks and I nod. We get to school and I walk with her through the halls. She goes to her locker I go to mine.

"Why are you always hanging out with that freak?" Adrian asks walking over to me. "She's not a freak, she's my best friend." I defend throwing my books in my locker. "She always has bruises obviously she's in with the wrong crowd." I feel my blood boil as soon as she says that. "You don't know what she's going through." I say angrily. "The whole school knows, her dad is like an alcoholic. She has nothing tough I have it tough my parents are divorced. She's just looking for attention." I completely snap. "Your a bitch, I don't know how I ever was your boyfriend. We're done." I say slamming my locker and walking away. Wow that actually felt pretty good.
Later at 8 o'clock

It's eight o'clock and I'm chilling in my room doing homework,when Amy knocks at my window. "It's open Ames." That's my nickname I gave her, she lets no one call her that except for me. "Hi." She says shyly walking in. She sits on my bed and I smile at her. "So I heard you broke up with Adrian." She says smiling. "Yeah, she was a bitch." I say and we laugh lightly.

We talk about random things for a while. At this point were just staring at each other, as I feel myself leaning in. She gladly accepts my kiss. We kiss for a while, and that's when we get that rush. I throw my books to the floor, and lay down pulling her on top of me. "You don't know how long I've waited for you to do that." She whispers in my ear. "And you don't know how long I've waited to do that." She smiles and kisses me harder.

So here we lay naked and pleased. "You okay?" I ask rubbing her back. "Never better." She responds smiling. "How come your mom left you with David?" I ask her. "She didn't want to, but he said if she took me, he'd kill all of us." She says cuddling closer to me, and I grip her tighter.

We get dressed and we just hang out in my room for a while. Someone knocks on the door, and my mom answers. David comes storming into my room, grabbing Amy with a tight grip and walking out with her. The look on her face is terrified, I try to grab her or him or something, but my father pulls me back and shakes his head.

I wait for her all night by my window but she never comes. This is when I start to panic, thinking he killed her or something bad. I throw my sweater on and carefully climb out my window.

I run down to her house and climb threw her bedroom window. I find her laying in her bed, all cut, bruised and bloody. She has belt lashes all over her, with blood oozing out. I gently shake her awake, she panics at first but when she sees its me, she flings herself into my arms. I put my sweater over her and bring her back to my house.

I clean her up and she winces at every touch. "We have to stop him." I say putting her in my pyjamas. "I've tried so many times, nothing works." That's when I get the idea.

One day later

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" She asks as I setup the camera. "Yes, it'll record when he hits you." I say sitting beside her on her bed. She has so many scars all over her. She has this one you can really notice, it's on her lip and it's cause he hit her wearing a ring. She also had braces at the time so her lip was completely fucked up her lip.

I watch the entire time. "Did you do your homework?" He questions walking in and closing the door. "Yes..." she says looking down. "What was that?" He questions. "Yes sir." He nods and pulls his belt off. "Are you gonna hit me...." she trails. "Depends." He puts his beer on her desk. "Did you make dinner?" He questions. "No, we don't have anything in the fridge...!" She defends. "Then you should have gone grocery shopping!" That's it I know this is when he's gonna hit her.

"Shirt off." Oh god. She takes her shirt of like it's a daily routine for her, which it is. "Lie down." She lies down and her cold dark eyes just stare at the camera. I hear the smack of the belt against her skin, just the way his face looks so happy. He leaves and Amy just lays on her bed with her back up.

I run over to take care of her. "Jesus Christ." I say looking at her back, cuts oozing and the skin redder then red. I put some ointment on her, and leave. We need way more evidence.

I give her some food so she can cook and I run back home. "Is chicken and rice okay?" She asks him, terrified. "Yes, get me another beer." She nods and runs for another beer. "Here you go sir." She says handing it him. He dismisses her and she cooks.

"Amy, I could make my life so much easier just by taking this knife and slicing." He says putting a knife against her throat. I see her gulp and he breathing picks up. "But, I need you for chores so you're off the hook, Ashley on the other hand.. I still can get her." That's it we have enough.

Amy's cleaning and David's asleep on the couch, I grab my laptop put in my backpack and run over to her house. I grab her from behind and cover her mouth with my hand. "Shh, it's just me. Get him to his room and meet me outside I have everything we need." I whisper, she relaxes against me and nods.

I sit in my car out front and see her quickly run out, she gets in the car and I immediately drive off. "You okay?" I ask grabbing her hand. She nods but she's still shaking a little.

The send us into a room with a detective named Detective Smith. I show him the video and his eyes are widened and his mouth is hanging open the entire time he watches it. "So, what do you want to do?" Smith asks. "I would like to put him away...." She says shyly. "We're gonna do that honey, but what I need to know, is what you want is to do with you?" She grabs my hand. "I would like to be emancipated." Smith nods. "You have permission from your other parent?" He asks. Amy pulls a paper out and hands it to him.

"Alright, that's all we need from you honey. And son you should seriously considering joining detective work, that was good what you did with the cameras." I nod proudly and walk out with Amy.

"Thank you for saving me...." She says standing in front of me. "We saved each other. *they kiss end*

I really did not feel like updating so here's a oneshot, yeah ok awkward byeeee.

QOTD:why as your height

AOTD: around 5'7 5'8 ish. I know I'm a fucking skyscraper.

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