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K so Ricky's gonna be going to war in this and yeah so if your sensitive to this stuff don't read, bye.


"I just can't believe they're deploying you again." I say laying down in our bed. "I know especially when your 9 months pregnant." He says getting in bed and pulling me close. "I love you." He says smiling. "I love you too." I say falling asleep next to him.

It's around 5am when I wake up, Ricky's already getting ready and I begin so I can drive to see him off.

"Be careful okay." I say wrapped in his hug. "Yes Amy, I love you both." He kisses me and I see his smile one last time.....little did I know that was the last time.

Couple of weeks later

I calmly sitting watching tv, when I get that pain in my lower abdomen. "Jenna!" I call out to my best friend. "Yeah?!" She asks rushing in. "I think the babies coming." I say blowing out a breath of air. "Oh god ok, I'll get you too the hospital!" She says helping me up.

Ricky POV

I'm sitting in the barracks talking with the guys when someone calls me saying there's a call for me via Skype, yes it's probably Amy.

"Hey, oh where are you?" I ask since it looks differently. "Well um....." She tilts the camera and I see a little baby boy. "It's a boy! We had our baby?!" I ask happily but sad at the same time. "Yeah, his names John just like you wanted it to be." She says smiling before she freezes. I wait patiently that's when I hear the ruckus outside.

It's been two weeks since I last had contact with Ricky, I keep calling but it always says error connecting to server. There's a knock on the door, so I carefully place John in his crib. I open the door and it's an officer.

"Mrs.Underwood, we are devastated to deliver this news but it seems your husband, has been killed in combat." The officer says. "No, I'm sure you've go the wrong person, Richard, Richard Underwood?" I ask. "Yes ma'am." I feel my heart sink and I tightly grab on to the door.

"Among his materials we found these items." He hands me:his wedding band, his dog tags, a letter titled 'Amy', and and another letter titled 'John'. The officer leaves and I make my way back to my room, before completely breaking down. I decide to read the letters.

Dear Amy,
If your reading this it's probably because something bad happened. Amy I just wanna say you were the best wife anybody could ever have, I know for a fact your also gonna be a kick ass mother. You always did have that fire in you, that little devilish look in your eyes I'll never forget. How mad you would get whenever a girl would talk to me, your nose would flare and that look would come back one hundred times harder. Amy I will forever love you and I know you'll forever love me, but your gonna have to move on baby. Your gonna have to find someone just as good as me,or even better to take care of you and the baby. I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you, I really am baby. So please move on it's the right thing for both of us. Don't mourn over me, cause always know I'm watching over you. I love you, forever and always-Ricky Underwood.

I cry even harder reading it, God I can only imagine Johns.

Dear John

Hi John it's daddy here, I just wanna says even though we've never meh each other, I love you buddy. Now remember to always treat and take care of mommy, your the man of the house now, and I give you full permission to rule the pillow fort in the basement, that me and your mother made one boring night. So just remember I'm your dad and I'll always be your dad, and in your toughest times, just know I'm right beside you, just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not there. I love you-daddy

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