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Amy Pov

Once again I was being dragged to a club by Jenna. Jenna and I met in sixth grade, and we've been friends ever since. "Remind me why we're going to a club?" I ask stepping out of the shower. "Cause what else are we gonna do, sleep and binge watch? Amy we can't live life like that, live a little!" She says smiling ugh great.

"Collin!" Jenna yells running over to a group of peoole. Great now I'm alone in this gross ass club.

Ricky  Pov

"Why are we here!!" I yell over the music to Matty. "Cause we never do anything, oh hey Jenna and Collin!" He yells going over to a group of people. Great now I'm alone in this gross club.

Amy pov

I've already been hit on by seven guys, but I don't know how considering the fact I'm wearing jeans and a tshirt.

I bump into someone and now I'm flat on my ass great. "Oh hey sorry!" He yells helping me up. "It's okay, sorry about bumping into you!" I yell back. "You come here alone?!" I ask since maybe I found someone nice enough to hang out with me. "No I came with my friend but he ditched me, he's over there!" He yells pointing to Jenna's group. "No way, my friend ditched me to go there to!" I say in his ear cause the music is getting really loud. "Hey you wanna ditch, I hate clubs?!" He says in my ear and it kinda gives me shivers. "Sure!" I say back and I don't even weigh if this is dangerous.

I couldn't really see he's features because it was dark, but damn he looks good. He smiles at me cause I guess he couldn't see me either. "Wanna go for coffee?" He asks and his voice sounds better without the music. "Sure." I say as we begin walking the cold New York streets.

"So are you New York born, or did you move here?" He asks as we sit at a little coffee shop. "I actually came here from California for school, how about you?" I ask and he hands me a coffee. "I moved from California here to. I'm from valley glen." He says smiling. "Me too, uh this is weird but I don't think we said our names." I say laughing a little. "Yeah I'm Ricky." He says smiling. "I'm Amy. Wait are you Ricky underwood?" I ask and he smiles. "Yeah why?" He asks sipping his coffee. "Your the Ricky, that girl Adrian dated who then cheated and got pregnant by Ben Boykewich?!" I ask and he nods chuckling. "That was me." He says laughing. "You still dating her?" I ask jokingly. "No, that ship sunk a longggg time ago." He says stretching the word.

He walks me back, and I truly decided it would've been better to wear a coat instead of a sweater. "Here." He says handing me his jacket. "You were shivering." He says smiling. For some reason were both leaning in and he kisses me, in the best way possible. He has his hand on my cheek, and his other hand on the small of my back. "I'm pretty warm now." I say pulling back smiling.

We're at me and Jenna's place making out on the couch. He tugs the hem of my shirt and that's when I pull back. "I don't want this to be a one night stand." I say putting my head against his. "It's not. I'll be right here when you wake up in the morning." He says kissing me again.

I pull him towards my bedroom, and he  immediately pulls his and my shirt off. He gently drops me on the bed. He kisses all the way down to my boobs, before he pops open my bra with the flick of his finger. From there on he licks all the way down my stomach to my jeans. That's when he smirks up at me when he unzips them with his teeth, which instantly turns me on, as if I could be more turned on.

He pulls them off agonizingly slow. Once he pulls them all the way off, he quickly pulls off his pants and I can see his bulge in his boxers. He comes back up to my face smiling and I kiss him. "Shit do you have a condom?" He says. "Uh, shit no....Jenna!" I say snapping my fingers. I run to Jenna's room in my half naked state. I open her drawer and there's a bunch. Fuck I don't know which he needs. "Need some help?" He says chuckling and walking into the room. "Uh yeah, which one do you need." I say pointing to the drawer. "Oh uh extra large." He says picking it out. "Extra large?" I ask in disbelief. "Your in for some fun tonight." He says smiling and I kinda gulp.

Once were back in the room, we continue were we left off. He pulls my underwear off once again using his teeth. He comes back up, and gets to work on me. As his tongue works hard, I moan, and grab onto anything including him.

I'm about to work on him but he shakes his head. "No, I need you." He says grabbing my face and kissing me hard. I nod and he finally pulls of his boxers, and oh damn! He smirks and grabs the condom. "Wait, your not a virgin are you?" He asks as were just about to do it. I shake my head no and he positions himself.

He goes in and damn I've never had sex like this. "Oh god Amy." He says groaning in my ear, and licking the lobe. As our moans bounce off the walls we both realize something. This is not just sex, this is an intimate moment between us. "I love you." He says breathlessly in my ear. "I love you too." I groan in his ear and he smirks.
The next morning.

I wake up and he's still asleep next to me, like he promised. I look over and his lips are slightly parted as he lightly snores. People probably find it annoying but I find it calming. It's really cute but I need coffee, and I have work in twenty minutes.

I walk out in my underwear in his shirt. Both me and Jenna walk out of our rooms the exact same way. She high fives me and I smirk. "Like I said, live a little." She smacks my butt and I laugh.

I make a coffee, and Ricky walks out of the room smiling. I turn my back to him so I can put sugar and milk in the coffee. "Good morning." He says wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my neck. "Hi." I say kissing his cheek. He pulls me closer and our little kisses turn into big kisses.

"Ricky?" Jenna questions as were still kissing. He stops and looks back. "Yeah, I'm the guy who was with Adrian." He says smiling. "And your bro is in my bed." She says laughing. "Why don't you and Matty just admit you guys like each other?" He questions laughing. She shakes her head and walks back to bed, with a box of cookies.

"So uh I gotta leave for work, you can hang out here until in done." I say grabbing my book bag. "Where do you work I'll pick you up and well go for dinner." He says smiling. "Ok, I work as a teachers assistant at that high school down the road." I say. He nods and gives me one last kiss before I leave.

It's after work, which means Ricky's coming to pick me up. Unlike most of the teachers I've student teacher with, Ms.Greene is chill, she lets me wear jeans and tshirt so so I do. "Hey Amy." This kid Brandon says walking over. "Brandon how many times do I have to tell you, your 18, and I'm 24 so yeah, and plus I've got a boyfriend." I say and the entire class including Ms.Greene rally me. "And where is this boyfriend?" They ask scanning the parking lot. "He'll be here shortly." I reply smirking.

Some guy rolls in on a motorcycle and I pay no attention what so ever, that is until the guy is Ricky and he stops right in front of me. "Ready for dinner?" He asks smirking, I look behind me and everyone has their jaw dropped wide open. "Yup, just let me go get my books." He nods and hops off his bike following me back into the school.

"How come you have a locker?" He asks leaning against the other lockers. "Cause I have a lot of teaching books and stuff." I say. I get a slight whiff of him and man does he smell good. He smiles at me and I can't help but kiss his cute little smile. I has me pushed up against the lockers while he's kissing me. "Ehem Ms.Juergens this is not appropriate behaviour." One of the teachers says clearing her throat. "Sorry, my fault we'll be on our way now." Ricky responds closing the locker and walking out with me holding my hand.

"Hop on." He's has getting on his motorcycle and handing me a helmet. "This is gonna be fun." I say getting on it. He speeds of and I have to literally grasp as tight as possible into him. "Hang on baby!" He yells and it kinda turns me on.

Dinner was actually really great, it was so nice the restaurant. "So there's something I've been meaning to ask you all night." He says as we walk in the work after dinner. "Amy would you be my girlfriend?" He asks grabbing my hand smiling. "Only if you'll be my boyfriend." He nods and kisses me. I met a decent boyfriend at a club who would have thought.

A/N alright guys here's a oneshot cause I don't feel like updating today. So yeah that sex part was actually very awkward to right but I'm tryna step up my game for you guys. So yeah tadaa

QOTD:what's your least favourite class

AOTD:my least favourite class would be either math or French. And yes I take French I've taken it since first grade. Another thing that's annoying is cause I go to a catholic high school i have to wear uniform which is super annoying, it even has a crest on it that says my high school. It's a maroon shirt and grey pants😒

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