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Amy had been in New York for a little over four years. Ricky refused to see Amy, which meant George brought John up whenever possible.

Ricky had gotten engaged to Clementine, and Amy tried a few guys but nothin worked.

Amy was coming home, and she hadn't told anyone. Ever since University Amy had grown a sense of maturity.

She had bought an apartment back home, just a couple blocks down from the butcher shop.

As she arrived in California, the only person waiting for her was of course Ben. Ben, had been her best friend since she had broken up with Ricky.

The two had tried to get back together but they both just decided they'd rather be friends than anything more.

"Welcome back." Ben said with a toothy grin. "Happy to be back." Amy said smiling and giving him A heartfelt hug.

"I'll drop you off at your new apartment, and I'll also drop your car off so your all set." Ben said and Amy nodded her head as Ben drove past the butcher shop.

Amy walked up, and the first thing on her mind...A nice hot shower.

After that Amy get herself ready and of course Ben had left the keys and already dropped off the car.

"Ok Amy you can do this. Just walk in, say your hi's, grab John and his stuff and boom your home free." Amy repeated to herself as she sat in her car outside.

"Oh god, how terrible do I look." Amy said to her self once again. "Huh for once the universe doesn't hate me and I look half decent." Amy said looking at herself in the car mirror.

Amy walked up the stairs and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

She shakily knocked on the door, and also let out a shaky breath.

"John you can't jus-!" Ricky yelled as a smiling John opened the door.

"MOMMYS HOME!" John yelled jumping on Amy. She hugged him tightly and he gladly accepted.

Ricky stood at the doorframe completely dumbfounded.

"It's good to see you Amy." Ricky said and Amy smiled. "It's nice to see you too." Amy said with a smile as she placed John back on the floor.

"Hi Clementine." Amy said smiling and shaking her hand, which shocked Ricky.

Although it did bother her, Clementine was wearing her old engagement ring. Amy felt a sense of sadness, due to the fact he just gave the ring to another girl.

But this was not the time for Amy to get wrapped up into Ricky drama. She was 24 and she was at the height of her life.

"So um, is his stuff ready?" Amy asked finally breaking the silence between the four.

"Uh yeah, here. So I'm guessing your going to be at your parents house?" Ricky asked handing Amy Johns bags.

"Umm no. I actually bought a small apartment. I can give you the address if you want?" Ricky nodded and Amy wrote it down quickly for Ricky.

"Oh um, can I have that back actually?" Amy asked pointing to her French horn, which sat beside Ricky's drums.

"Oh yeah totally." Ricky said picking it up.

"Here I'll bring it down for you." Ricky said and Amy smiled.

"Thanks." Amy said after she and Ricky had packed the car. "Yeah no problem. Uh Clementines got work later, so I was thinking I'd swing by your place if that's alright?" Ricky asked. "Uh yeah sounds good." Amy said and Ricky smiled hugely at her and she bit her lip.

Ramy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now