Chapter 3

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I got to school early again and sat on the bench, drinking my Starbucks and reading on my phone. I waited for the twins to come but they never did so I went into class and sat in my seat in the back. First period started and they still hadn't shown up. We had a substitute again so we didn't have any work to do. Everyone was talking to each other but the twins weren't there and they are the only ones I talk to, so I just decided to draw. I didn't think I was very good but it helped to clear my head so I did it often.

"Hey. You're Ariadne right?" I heard a girl say, and she was standing in front of me when I looked up.

"Yeah. That's me." I smiled, I sounded a little rude but I didn't mean to.

"I'm Emily. I was just telling my friends how much I liked your shirt. Do you want to come sit with us?" She seemed really nice. She had blonde hair and green eyes and was average height.

"Thank you. I'd love to." She smiled and guided me over to her friends.

"So this is Megan, Sofia, and Rachel." They waved ad smiled as their names were called.

"I'm Ariadne but you can call me Aria or Adne works too." I sat in the empty chair.

"So I know that you don't know us very well but we've seen you talking to the twins." Emily said before going quiet for a minute. "Be careful for Grayson. When he wants something he usually gets it. He's hot and he knows it. He tells girls that he likes them and then he tries to have sex with them. After that he breaks up with them. Trust me I was one of the girls he did it to." She frowned and looked down at the floor. Ethan was right, but was he being honest with me about himself? Before I got the chance to ask, the bell rang and it was time to move to our next class. I said goodbye to the girls and walked alone to my next class. I didn't have anymore classes with the girls so I was alone for the rest of the day. I had a free period at the end of the day so I just decided to go home early.

It was about 2 when I got home so I grabbed a bottle of water from my fridge and a bag of chips and sat on the couch. I put on old episodes of Grey's Anatomy and laid down.

I ended up falling asleep for a few hours. When I woke up it was around 4, my mom still wasn't home and my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I said sleepily, unsure of whose call I had just answered.

"Hey Aria, can I come over? I know you don't know me well but I don't really have anyone else." I pulled my phone away from my ear to check who it was. It was Ethan. He sounded really upset, almost like he had been crying.

"Umm yeah. Yeah that's fine I'll send you my address now." I said hurrying around to clean up my mess.

"Thanks I'll see you soon." I hung up confused. He wasn't at school and now he was coming to me because he was upset. I didn't mind but I was still confused.

I texted him the address and continued to put away the chips and fold the blanket I was using. Not to long after I finished the doorbell rang. I opened the door and standing there was a shaggy-haired, puffy, red-cheeked Ethan. He had definitely been crying. I gestured for him to come in and closed the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Not really, but I will be." He faked a smile. I don't know what came over but I walked over and hugged him. At first he was surprised but then he wrapped his arms around me. He easily towered over me. His arms felt warm around my body and he smelled amazing. I held onto him until I felt him start to push away.

"What was that for?" He half smiled.

"I know what it's like to be alone when you are upset. I don't want you to feel that way." He smiled wide this time and hugged me again.

"Let's talk. You don't really know me and I don't know you so lets get to know each other." I took his hand and lead him over to the couch.

We talked about simple things first like our favorite colors, food, musicians, shows.

"So why did you move to New Jersey?" He asked. The sadness had disappeared from his face and his cheeks were no longer pink and puffy, they were only pink from laughing.

"I was bullied really bad. A lot of stuff happened because of it and my mom decided it was best to leave." He looked down. "What about you? Are you from here or did you move here?"

"We moved here my 7th grade year for the same reason. Gray and I were bullied a lot and whenever we tried to make friends they would get bullied too." Ethan and I had a lot in common. I felt like I finally had someone I could trust.

We continued to talk and share stories of our childhood, laughing together. Around 6 my mom finally came home and saw me and Ethan talking on the couch and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ethan this is my mom. Mom this is Ethan." Ethan held his hand out and smiled at my mom who shook his hand and returned the smile.

"Call me Jessica."

"Well, Jessica is was nice meeting you, but I should head home now. I'll see you at school-"

"No stay for dinner. I'm making tacos." Ethan looked back at me for an answer.

"She's not going to let you leave without eating first. C'mon I'll show you my room." My mom smiled at me and went into the kitchen. I ran up the stairs and Ethan trailed behind me. I guided him into my bedroom and plopped onto the bed. Ethan stood awkwardly at the doorway making me laugh at him.

"You can sit you know. I'm not going to bite." He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, coming over to sit on the bed. "Sorry about all the boxes everywhere. The rest of our stuff isn't here yet so I cant put it away." He laid down on the opposite side of the bed so our faces were together. (Picture Above)

"You are so beautiful." He whispered close to me. I threw my hand over my face to cover my blushing but he pulled it away. "You don't have to hide from me." He was so close now that I could feel his breath on my face. He placed his thumb on my chin and lifted my face to his. Slowly, he leaned in and placed a soft, warm kiss on my lips. My insides roared at the feeling of his lips against mine. He pulled away and smiled.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"I couldn't help myself." I blushed again and threw my hands over my face. He rolled onto his side and pulled them away again. "Don't do that. You are beautiful, don't hide it." I smiled at him and sat up.

"Let's go check dinner. I'm starving." I took his hand and pulled him downstairs.

"Oh good I was just about to call you. Dinner is ready." My mom smiled at us.

We ate diner and my mom made small talk with Ethan every now and then but she wasn't the type to be overly protective. I would look up from my taco sometimes and catch Ethan smiling at me.

After dinner Ethan had to go home so I walked him out.

"It was nice to meet you Jessica."

"You to hun. You're welcome to come over whenever you want." She smiled, cleaning up the plates.

I walked with Ethan to the door.

"So I will see you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Goodnight beautiful." He kissed my cheek and walked back towards his house.

"He likes you." My mom said when I walked back into the kitchen.

"He barely knows me mom."

"He still likes you. I saw him smiling at you all through dinner. I also saw him kiss you before he left. He likes you just watch." My mom was such a child sometimes.

"Okay mom whatever you say. I'm going to go get ready for bed. Goodnight mom." I kissed her cheek and ran up to my room.

Just as I started laying down, my phone went off.


Can't stop thinking of you <3 Sweet dreams Aria

I smiled and locked my phone. That night I fell asleep with Ethan Dolan on my mind.

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