Chapter 6

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"Are you for real Ares? It's Saturday remember. For God's sake, couldn't I have some decent sleep on weekends?" Spica complained, not planning to wake up any sooner that day.

"Okay. Fine! Just don't blame me if del Vacquio--"

"Oh my G!" hearing del Vacquio's name woke Spica's senses up. "I forgot. What time is it?"

"Fifteen minutes past noon so I'd better be going."


"Piano tutorial. And by the way, Dad's out of town."


How come I forgot about our rehearsal today? What shall I do? Dad isn't here and so is Ares. That means I have the house all to myself... with.... with... that can't be. Think Spica. Think! You don't wanna be alone with that freak, do you?

I called Steph but she was with her mom, probably shopping, so she couldn't come over to join me and del Vacquio.

I fixed myself as I was thinking of a good way not to be alone with him.

At one o'clock, I heard a motorcycle roar stopped in front of our house. I knew it was him.

What if I don't open the door and pretend nobody's home? Maybe he'll just go away and I can think of an alibi on Monday. Yeah, that's right.

The doorbell rang but I hid behind the window. Rhaine patiently waited for few minutes before he pressed the doorbell again.

I saw him frowned and walked away but he didn't really went away. He sat by the side walk and stretched his legs. What was he up to?

Suddenly my mobile phone rang. It was Rhaine calling.

Should I answer it or not? But what would I say?

"Uhm.. Yes hello."

"I'm outside your house."

He sounded a bit irritated and it made me more nervous.

"Really? I'm sorry. I forgot about the---"

"It's okay, I'll be waiting here."

That's all and he turned the phone off.

Will be waiting? Is he crazy? What if I don't show up? Well, it's his fault, not mine.

I went back to my room and turned the television on, not really watching but barely looking at it, thinking about Rhaine. What was it that I'm afraid of? Being alone with him? Doing what? What's wrong with practicing our play? I felt guilty... especially when raindrops started patting on my windowpane.

I checked if Rhaine's still outside, he was. He was there waiting, standing in the pouring rain. He's crazy. He should have gotten home earlier.

'HEY! Come in." I shouted at him as I stood by the half-opened door.

"Since when have you been inside?" he asked.

" Just now. I just got home from the market," I lied as I led him to the couch. "Please sit down. I'll be in the kitchen. Coffee or tea?"

"I prefer coffee."

I went to the kitchen and prepared something for me and Rhaine. I didn't have any choice. I had to face him.

When I returned to the living room, Rhaine was reading the script silently.

"I'm really no actor," Rhaine said not looking at me.

"I'm no actress, too. But we can both give it a try."

Rhaine forced a smile. I really felt awkward being with him alone. I didn't know what to say or how to start.

"Ehem. Here, in this first scene, I'm not sure if I should say it aloud or what."

"Let me see."

As our conversation went on, I found it rather comfortable if I act natural. And when he got tired of all the exchanging lines and stuff, he invited me out. NOT on a date, okay, but on their gig.

Unfortunately, I can't decide myself unless I had dad's opinion, which was not available at that moment.

But I promised him that I'll watch their group's performance if I get the chance.


Yes, since these times would be my last few days, I decided to write everything in my journal.

Rhaine isn't as bad as I thought we was at first. It's actually fun to be with him. But still he barely laugh, he just smile a little. Yet I see it as an improvement in our relationship as co-actors in the upcoming play.

P.S. I feel like wanting to him more. Know him deeply. Coz' there is something in him I just couldn't explain. Something like... I already met him a long time ago but I'm quite sure, mentally, that I haven't.


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