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"Antares doesn't have the GIFT either," Procyon told his mom as they watched the stars through the window.

"I see. That's why I'm afraid I might have to stay a little longer," his mom answered while trying to find herself a comfortable sitting position.

"Ma, I'm sorry. If only I had the gift or I had a child earlier, then it might shorten your suffering."

Procyon knelt in front of his mother. Vega already lost her vision at the age of 89. She's now 90 and patiently waiting for her eternal rest. Procyon held his mom's hands and kissed the back of her palm. How he pity his poor old mother. They have been through a lot because of that gift his mother has.

"Don't give up Procyon. Antares might just doesn't know yet that he has the gift or maybe he doesn't know how to use it. But I'm sure, in time he will." Vega lovingly combed his son's hair with her fingers.

Procyon came from the family of Stardusts. He is supposed to be the eigteenth beholder but the gift jumped over him so his mother has to wait for the eigteenth beholder to turn eigteen years old before she could rest.

But Procyon's child, Antares, who is now eigth years old doesn't seem to have the gift like him.

The problem is, Procyon couldn't bear another child. So if Antares really doesn't have the gift, they would have to wait for his child or until the eigteenth beholder comes.

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