Chapter 4

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 Three hours later Elliot and I arrived at the precinct in record time, stepping out of the car without saying a word to each other the entire time. I gathered myself together as best I could and looked in the driver side mirror to make sure there wasn't mascara running down my face.

I was quite pleased with how my appearance was today, even with the crying. I am glad I took a little extra time this morning to get ready. I let my mind drift to Ed and it lifted my mood immediately. Walking towards the precinct I could feel Elliot's eyes on my tight ass. Even though I was livid at Elliot, I felt my lips curl into a smile knowing that I still had it. Elliot quickened his pace and ran in front of me to open the door for me. While he walked around me his hand grazed my ass and his touch gave me goosebumps, just like it used to.

We walked to the elevator and got in, the climate changed immediately. He looked me deep in my eyes, it caused my body to react instantaneously and I felt it between my legs. I felt my breathing get shaky and thought I might let him take me right there in the elevator. But, theres no way he feels the same thing for me. He has Kathy. He has his kids. He doesn't need me, not like I need him, and I spent the last seven years telling myself I did not need him and he proved he didn't when he left me.

The elevator door closed extremely slow and I already knew this was going to be a long ride to the seventh floor. He stepped in closer to me and looked down at me. Our eyes locked and he leaned in closer. The tension in the air was building and I wanted our lips to meet in the middle more than I wanted anything.

At that moment all the anger and sadness I felt toward El disappeared and was replaced with lust and passion. I closed my eyes and parted my lips, waiting for his to smash into mine. I felt his hands cup my face and his breath hit my lips, then the elevator let out a ding, and the door began to open. My eyes snapped open and we broke apart before our lips met.

We stepped out of the elevator and walked into the bull pen. The climate changed once again as I found myself angry at Elliot. Fin came up to greet us and I introduced Elliot to Rollins.

"We don't have much time," Fin said.

I looked at my watch, "we are down to three hours before this guy calls again," I told them.

"I think I got a lead from the phone call he made, it pinged off a cell tower in lower Manhattan," Rollins said.

I sent Fin, Amanda and the rest of my best men to check out the lead while Elliot went to analyze the phone call.

Two and a half hours later everyone is back into the precinct. With thirty minutes to spare before our mystery man calls back, we sit down and stare at the murder board, getting absolutely no where.

Time goes by excruciatingly slow but its finally time for the man to call, we have traps set on the line hoping to get his location, since the one we got before was just a dead end. The phone rings, bringing me out of my thoughts. El picks up the phone.

"Listen here, you fucked up prick, now you better not hurt anymore girls!" Elliot yelled, his face reddening, already breaking script.

We couldn't hear what the man on the other end was saying but it was making Elliot very upset. Five seconds later he slammed the phone down without saying another word and stormed out the room.

TARU came in and replayed the tape for us.

"All you have to do is follow my instructions and no one gets hurt. But you have to be here when I call back, in ten hours," said the voice.

And the line goes dead.

I tell them to track the call and I run out after Elliot, I find him in the cribs, punching the wall over and over.

"El, stop!" I yell, running up to him and throwing my arms around him, just noticing the tears staining his cheeks. He pulls me close and I feel my legs go weak. His touch has always had this effect on me.

"Liv, I can't deal with this. I thought I was finally getting away from it all," he cries to me, hugging me tighter.

"I'm sorry, after this case you can forget me, this squad room, everything from your past. Just help me with this, please, you owe that to me, you owe these girls that" I beg him, my eyes welling up with tears.

"You really think I could just close this case and walk away from you again? I could never do that, it nearly killed me the first time. You don't know how many times I stood outside your apartment with my hand hovering over it trying to get the courage to knock and tell you how I felt. But I couldn't knowing how I left you," he says looking deep into my eyes. His arms go from hugging position to being wrapped around my waist and he pulls me closer. I can't wrap my head around the words that just flew out of his mouth.

"El, you mean so —" and the door swung open and Fin blew in.

"Sorry, Liv, I hope I'm not interrupting anything but we have a lead," he said, quickly closing the door again.

I quickly removed Elliot's hands from my waist and ran out the door without turning to look back. 

Reunited: A Bensler/SVU fanficWhere stories live. Discover now