Chapter 7

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 *Elliots POV*

I stood by my old locker, dumbfounded and naked, not sure if I should go back to Olivia, tell her I love her and need her and finish what was started in those showers. But, not matter what my raging hard on said, she was right this was not this right time or place.

I needed to be patient, I'd already waited this long. But the ache in my cock made me picture what could have happened if she wouldn't have stopped me. A low moan escaped my throat and I was hard as a rock, just thinking about her body on mine again. I threw some cold water on my face and forced myself to calm down.

I brought my focus back to the crazy bastard terrorizing the precinct. We had to break this case wide open, I had to catch this guy before he hurt more innocent women. I looked at my watch, he'd be calling back in six hours. I dried my body off and pulled on some NYPD sweats and a Nike muscle shirt I found in a cabinet that were probably mine from years ago. I walked back into the bull pen and everyones eyes were on me.

"Everything okay?" George asked.

"Yeah, fine," I tell him as a smile creeps over his face.

"Its good to see you, El," he says. "Your hair is wet," he states.

"You, too. And, way to point out the obvious, doc."

"So, it went well in there?" he asks just as Olivia emerges from the cribs with wet hair, yoga pants, and her old NYPD tee shirt. I let out a deep sigh and feel my dick begin to stiffen again at the sight her of without makeup. I can't take my eyes off her, I've never seen her look so beautiful.

She sees me looking at her, she smiles and her cheeks turn a rosy red color. She turns to walk into her office and my eyes travel down to her ass. I notice how there are no panty lines visible and wonder if its because she doesn't have any on because hers got soaked during out make out session or if she's wearing a thong. Both scenarios are hot as fuck and I can't keep my thoughts PG-13 anymore.

Damn, when we were kissing it was like we were horny teenagers. But, that is the first time I've ever been kissed like that, with such passion and lust and all that tension and it makes me upset I didn't have the courage to make her mine years ago. I could have had her to myself all this time, I think to myself. Her ass goes out of view and its replaced by her office door closing.

She doesn't want to talk to me. I'm temped to follow her into her office and take her right there but she wouldn't allow that. Plus, she has Tucker.

"I take it that it went very well," George says.

"Something like that," I say and smile, forcing the image of Tucker making love to her out of my head.

"Hey, guys, I have a lead!" yells Amanda and we all take off.

"Where are we headed?" I ask Rollins. I'm sitting in her squad car, with Fin and Huang tailing us to some unknown location.

"Well, the location that pinged off the second call was an abandoned warehouse, down in the Bronx. But I checked security cam footage from the surrounding buildings and we got a hit on facial recognition. A two time offender. His name is Gerold Biggs. You and Liv collared him ten years ago. He had kidnapped girls three at a—"

"I remember. Three at a time and he'd make them watch as he raped them and then he'd starve them to death in his basement. He was a sick prick and was supposed to get the needle what happened?" I asked, all the memories of this horrible case coming back to me.

"His lawyer did a damn good job and he took a ten year plea," Rollins tells me, "he got out two weeks ago."

"That son of a bitch," I say and my eyes go red.

"Calm down, Stabler," she tells me.

"We never found those girls' bodies. He never confessed either, but it was him. I knew it in my gut and now he's back."

We pull up to the warehouse and head inside.


"Clear!" I hear Fin yell from the next room.

I open the closet and check in the bathroom thats connected to the master bedroom, "clear! but we got blood in here," I yell.

"Clear," Olivia yells from downstairs and I hear her footsteps coming up to meet us. She drove herself to the scene and I'm glad she's here. She comes in the bathroom to join me and Fin, Rollins and Huang are right behind her.

"Look at this, guys," I say and point to the note on the sink next to a picture of Olivia and I outside of my house yesterday.

Just because you figured out who I am

Doesn't mean you can figure out where I am

I'm glad the two lovebirds are working things out

Fuck her hard for me, if you ever get that far with her

I know you didn't have the balls to years ago


Catch me if you can

Olivia leans over the toilet and throws up. I rub her back and ask her if I can do anything to help her.

"I am getting too old for this shit," she says wiping her eyes and standing up, ignoring my question.

"Liv, he saw us, he followed you to my house," I say, just wanting to hug her.

"I'm ordering a protective detail on Kathy and the kids," she tells me.

"Okay, captain," I tell her.

"Lets get CSU in here, we need to find out who's blood this is."

Rollins, Fin, and Huang walked out the door leaving Liv and I alone.

"Are you okay?" I ask, pulling her close to me.

Olivia resists and doesn't look me in the eyes. She pulls away from my grasp, whispers something about being okay and walks away. I can see the tear fall down her face and hit her shoe as she turns from me and it breaks my heart.  

Hey guys!! I hope you like this update! Please comment and vote if you enjoy my story. Y'all are the best. 


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