In the Chamber

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Her heart pounded in her chest, it was all Emily could hear the sound of her own heartbeat. She never even noticed this before but now it was hard to ignore, it was like it wanted to burst forth from her rib cage and explode like a dung bomb. Blaise gently squeezed her shoulder, which caused her to snap out of her mind; then, he looked at Emily like everything was going to be alright.

Emily had no voice to speak, she wanted to say something. Maybe some sarcastic pun from her sharp wit but none came. She looked to the far right of Blaise’s side and saw Draco looking away from her. It had hurt Emily to see him like that towards her, even if they were just friends. She could tell he was trying to restrain himself from her; of course, he would since he was trying to get one relationship right.

She couldn’t blame him, she couldn’t blame anybody. Rotten luck just seemed to follow Emily and Harry, but this was way, way far off… The stakes were higher this time, and so were the possibilities of them dying.

“Go.” Blaise said, shoving the semi-petrified Emily from the benches, “Go.”

Emily did.

One of the striking things about Emily was that she could still walk in full confidence even if the whole school was judging her, whispering rotten things to her as she walked past them. Emily walked tall, chin up, and tried not to get any eye contact to anyone. It worked. Until someone from the Ravenclaw table shouted at her and Harry, “THEY’RE NOT EVEN 17 YET! THEY’RE CHEATS!”

And this made the flame grew threatening to scorch the Potters. The whispers became audible, turning to enraged growls.

But they wouldn’t let that happen. After all they have been through in their lives; they weren’t just going to break down just because of a little prick who couldn’t keep his mouth shut. No. Emily and Harry both looked into each other’s eyes, both shit-scared and anxious but determined.

Determined to get this done with and move on with their lives.

After the boy from Ravenclaw, no one else spoke up. Not even the professors. But they did, however, receive glances from Professors McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Snape. Even a little whimper from Hagrid, this made both Potters die a little bit inside.

Emily felt a chunk of her burn up when she felt the eyes of her Aunt Minerva on her, she wanted to run towards her right on the spot and tell her over and over again.

It wasn’t me, Emily said to herself, hoping her Aunt would somehow get the message.

Emily shook off the feeling and looked to her right, seeing her brother with a stern expression. She almost fell for his act of bravery, until she felt the vibrations of his hands by his sides which she felt when she brushed by him. Emily caught ahold of his hand and exchanged a nod with him before they went in the chamber.

When they were no longer visible to entire school, Emily bent over with her arms wrapped around her stomach and Harry, with his head against a wall. After a few seconds, the both stare into each other and say nothing. Neither one was crying they both seemed to think alike against all odds; this is no matter for tears, the both think to themselves.

On the other note, it never occurred to them that they both looked so alike; of course, they are twins but they were fraternal, sure they had a number of similarities but they never took an amount of notice to that until they took a look to each other’s eyes.

It amazed them like Hagrid who hatched his own Dragon egg long ago; it scared them even, like looking in a mirror.

“Emily?” Diggory said when he caught a glimpse of her walking inside the chamber, “Are they asking for us? What’re you doing’ here?” He asked. Before Emily could respond, the headmistress of Beauxbatons came in the chamber, slapping the oil lamp hanging from the ceiling to avoid bumping her head to it.

Harry and Emily turned their attention to only the professors of Hogwarts, since Madam Maxim had the heaviest accent in the lot which gave them a headache and Karkaroff was looking squirrely in the corner. “There has to be some kind of mistake,” Professor McGonagall said,

“I know for a fact that neither Emily nor Harry wanted this.” She said, glaring at Maxim, “I doubt that the thought even went through their heads!” Dumbledore and Snape still looked reluctant to believe the McGonagall and the Potters. Moody, however, was onboard with McGonagall.

“Only a powerful, dark wizard recognized in the field of Dark Arts can hoodwink such powerful artifact like the Goblet of Fire,” He scoffed, looking at Durmstrang’s headmaster, “Way beyond the talents of two 14 year olds.” Maxim laughed dryly and leaned against the towering cabinet behind her, “Well, Alastor, we all know they aren’t just plain 14 year olds.”

“That’s enough.” Dumbledore said in a booming voice, “It’s almost midnight and we are keeping the children awake, I say we discuss this in the morning. When we’re all sane in the head,” With that, he left the chamber, the lights flickering as he did, “Good night.” Dumbledore made it clear he was not pleased with what had happened. There was no cheeriness in his voice like before.

“Fleur, mon cher, allons-y,” Maxim said hastily to her student, “ces imbéciles!” She said, dramatically waving her hand in the air. Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes at the giantess, “You know, I can understand you!” She half-yelled to Maxim before she closed the door.

Viktor Krum approached Harry and Emily, a stern look on his face, “Congratulations, best of luck to both of you.” He said struggling with his words making it clear English was his second language. He shook hands with both and kissed Emily on her cheek, “Аз вярвам.”

He then left the chamber with his head master.

Harry couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, but of course, he held it in until Krum left the room. He was rather taller and he and very burly. Emily glared at him, hitting her brother’s arm, “It’s not funny!” She hissed. He shrugged, smiling lopsidedly, “What did he say?”

“I don’t know. Something Bulgarian, I think.”

Emily Potter- Book 4 - Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now