A Matter of Perspective

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“Harry, you prat,” said Ron, “You didn’t take that mermaid song seriously, did you? Did you honestly think Dumbledore would let any of us drown?”

“Well he allowed my sister and me to battle fire breathing dragons, so naturally Emily and I just went oh come on, let’s save Fleur’s sister!” Harry said in an annoyed tone, feeling both stupid and annoyed for being the only one attacked when Emily was just lying there unconscious, avoiding all of it.

It had been almost an hour since they were retrieved from the Black Lake, but still, Emily was blue with cold and the weirdest thing is that her skin was warm as if she had a furnace by her bedside. Madam Pomfrey had already given her a Pepper-Up Potion to fix her, and maybe even wake her up, but she gave no response.

Ginny sat in the chair next to Emily’s bedside, two blankets nestling her body, “A-Aren’t they going to announce who won this task?” She asked her voice still shivering. She had been by her friend’s side through the entire hour they were on land, Ginny was persistent about it. Harry shook his head to answer her question, “Percy said the judges will wait for all the champions to wake up first,” He said, looking at the still face of his sister, “Fleur just woke up 17 minutes ago, and Emily’s the only one left still in bed.”

“Wait – Percy’s here?” asked Ginny, shocked. Ron abruptly stood up, mirroring the same expression as her sister, “Why that little –“ He then let out an infuriated scream, “What’s that prat doing here?”

“I don’t know,” Harry said with a shrug, “Emily knows, they spoke before the second task went on.”

Ginny’s eyes showed a spark of interest by the mention of Emily and Percy, “The two of them talked? What happened? Did it seem intense?”

“I honestly couldn’t tell,” He said with a confused smile, “He looked like he was flirting, she looked like she was talking to a foreign wizard with an oddly thick accent.”

She laughed at Harry’s visualization of the event, her brown eyes sparkling even more than fireworks, “Percy? Flirting! Oh, that’ll be the day indeed.” Ginny said, wiping a tear from a corner of her eye. Ron couldn’t help but smile along, quiet bemused by the story, “Percy? Quiet the odd choice for Em, don’t you think? A bit too old and such.”

Harry exchanged glances with Ginny, thinking the same thoughts, “And who do you reckon she should fancy, Ron?” She asked. Harry grinned mischievously, “Give a name, perhaps, maybe a lovely young chap with hair redder than roses and a face more full of passion than a thousand burning suns –“

“All right, that’s enough,” Ron said, hitting the two with a blanket, “So bloody rude...” He muttered, wrapping himself back in his blanket, “All that I’m saying is that she’s already dating that Lucian bloke, but why is it Malfoy and Zabini are here, waiting for her by the entrance of the tent? They look like her bloody body guards or something.”

He was right. Draco and Blaise both had run immediately to their friend’s side, but of course, they kept their distance seeing that Gryffindors mostly circulated around Emily’s bedside. They stayed by the entrance way of the first aid tent, patiently waiting for Emily’s awakening.

“Don’t be silly, they’re her friends,” Ginny said knowingly, “They always have been.”

Her brother scoffed at her, realizing how naive she was, “I’m just saying, boys and girls can’t just be friends.” Ron said as if it were a fact. Ginny slapped him by his side, insulted, “4 years in and you’re still friends with Hermione,” She said, slapping his side again, “And I’m pretty sure you’re still buddies with Harry and that you two aren’t secretly snogging in the broom cupboard.”

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