A Stake To The Heart

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Blaise strolled in the Slytherin common room, arm in arm with Jalia all in blissful smiles and cheery laughter. His eyes caught Emily’s, a smirk appearing on his face as he saw her by the corner with a letter in hand, “Got another love note from that dashing Healer of yours, Miss Potter?” Blaise asked in a mocking tone. Jalia glared daggers at Blaise, silently scolding her boy friend, “Don’t be so rude, I’m sure it’s all health-wise conversation; Patient to Healer confidentiality, and all that.” She says as she winks at Emily who was writing back a reply to Thomas.

“Whatever you say, love.” Blaise says as he kisses Jalia’s cheek, letting go of the subject looking at his best mate knowingly. Emily stuck her tongue at him and started lacing her shoes back on her feet before departing, “I must be going now. I’ll see you two blokes in a few.” She said, fastening her scarf around her neck before leaving the common room.

It only took 5 minutes for Emily to fit right back in school, she was able to catch up with her lessons with the help of a handful of Ravenclaws and Neville (who was really patient with her in teaching Herbology, it took her a fair few hours to learn how to prune daffodils.)

She was now in good terms with Lucian, setting their cases straight and clear. Emily learned that he and Pansy got on again, and was now happily together. Even Pansy befriended Emily again, but it was evident that their friendship was never going to grow like it did before.

Percy was attentive in the relationship, even if the relationship was originally initiated to dissuade Lucian (who in fact did not need dissuading anymore). They continued to stay together, growing fond for one another. He checked up on her on a regular basis, taking walks around the castle during chats and eating around the grounds, feeding Fang their leftovers whenever the dog came up running to them during their walks.

The only thing that seemed to set her off on the edge of her seat was the upcoming 3rd (and not to mention last) task for the Triwizard tournament. No one seemed to know what the task was only that it can make you absolutely mad. Emily was fixated on finding out what it was; searching for clues she might read in the past tournaments, lurking in the hallways and nearby the offices of the Headmaster in hopes of catching their words of what the 3rd task is.

She wrote to Thomas about this, all of it, hoping to get his opinion of it all and if he might give her advice on this and that. In his most previous letter, he had only advised Emily to focus only on school work and not about the tournament for it might only cause her a load of trouble and stress. She wanted to write back saying it was a literal life or death situation, seeing that wizards have died during these games, but decided not to say anything about it. Emily didn’t want to sound like a whiny child.

“Fancy seeing you here, stranger,” A light voice said followed by a laugh, “How are you so far?”

It took Emily a minute to adjust to the current happening she awkwardly held Thomas’s letter in one hand and her response in the other. She began shifting her weight foot to foot, looking at the girl in front of her, “Good, very good actually. How are you, Ray?”

It had been a long time since she had spoken to Ray it was a time before she had the hallucination of accusing her of being a vampire who was stealing her identity. Emily wanted to slap the shit out of herself for even having the thought of Ray being a vampire, she looked at the girl in front of her in broad daylight, smiling.

Ray held up a grey enveloped letter for Emily to see, a big toothy smile on her face, “Just getting my mail, the girl back home is pretty worried for me during my stay here.” She says with a nervous laugh, ripping it open. She then looked back at Emily, her eyes curious, “I’m surprised you’re not gawking at me, most people would bombard me with a lot of questions like: Oh, when did you come out? Were your parents okay with it? What’s homosexuality like? I swear to Merlin it is torture.”

Emily Potter- Book 4 - Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now