The Five Vials

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She watched his every move, his fingers delicate with the needle at hand. She saw how gentle he was, how precise his movements were as he plunged the needle in her forearm. Emily felt no pain, deducing that it was the Belladonna’s effect which blinded her sense of touch.

She saw that the needle was connected to a pint of blood which hung on a metal pole from above her bed, she watched as the blood red fluid find its way through the tube, then the needle and then finally to her. Thomas kept quiet all throughout the process, Emily thought he was either concentrated at the moment or fazed by how damaged she was. Either way, she didn’t dare question him about it.

“Are you from Hogwarts, Mr. Salinger?” She asked, sitting herself up from her bed, “You don’t mind if I ask that, right?”

Thomas showed a hint of a smile, sighing, “I don’t mind at all.” He says, looking over to the vacant space next to Emily, “Do you mind if I sit here?” He asks. Emily shook her head, inviting him to sit next to her, “Are you from Hogwarts?”

“Yes, I graduated there 8 years ago actually.” He said, “From the House of Helga Hufflepuff.”

Emily couldn’t help but smile, “I’m impressed.” She said truthfully, “You’re the head of the Spell Damage and Dark Arts Maladies department and you’re not even a day over 30.”

“You’re not supposed to know that.”

“I’m not supposed to know a lot of things, Mr. Salinger.”

Thomas’s eyes searched hers as if looking for something he had lost, “How did you know that?” He asked. Emily motioned to the chart, and then looked back at him, “You’re the only Healer who has his name on that thing. Granted what I accused you of was a shot in the dark, but then I saw your full name and I just knew you held a high role here, Mr. Thomas Bonham Salinger, the great legacy of Healer Mungo Bonham.”

“You’re smarter than you let me believed you are,” He said, clearly amused by her intellect, “All right, my turn to ask a question. Is it true that you can read minds?”

Emily looked taken aback, holding back a laugh, “Erm, should I be concerned on how that little fact found its way to you?” She asked, feeling quiet nervous if word had gone out about her gift. Thomas shook his head in response, “Professor McGonagall informed me, don’t worry I won’t spread it to the public or such.”

“In that case, it is true.”

“Were you born or cursed with it?”

She pondered on her choices, not really sure on which to say, “I suppose I was cursed with it, but really I think I inherited it from, erm, a wizard of non-relation to me when I was a year old.” His eyes widened in sudden comprehension of who that wizard of non-relation was, “I am so very sorry, Emily. I had no idea I was bringing up such a sensitive topic –“

“Oh, I don’t mind. Who cares about Voldemort anyways,” Emily said nonchalantly, “Back to questioning you, Mr. Salinger.” He looked at her in an expressed that showed both shock and delight, “Please, call me Thomas. I think we’ve already breached the line of formality.”

“All right then, Thomas.” Emily said airily, “What made you want to become a Healer? Forget about the legacy brought down to you, I want to hear your words uncorrupted with that fate.”

He was gobsmacked by her question for no one ever questioned him like that, at least not in that manner. Thomas had no idea what to answer, he knew the words but he just couldn’t string them together. A kind smile appeared on her face, he had no idea what brought that on but he was grateful for seeing it; Thomas felt warm spread throughout his body as he heard he laugh, “Go on, then, tell me what you think about my apparent loss of speech.”

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