Fit for a Queen

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The moment Emily saw all of her dorm mates went into a flurry of make-up, ball gowns, and hair products, she immediately packed her gown and other Yule Ball necessities in her bag (which she charmed with a spell in which it became bottomless) and dashed out of Slytherin House.

"Oi, where are you going?" A voice demanded, grabbing Emily by the elbow before she could make an escape. It was Eleanor Malfoy. Emily noticed she had already done her hair in a high bun, she also noticed that her heavy French accent was fading into a British one. Probably adapting to the students of Hogwarts, Emily thought.

"Oh, I was going to the Prefect's bathroom." She lied, clutching her bag close to her side, "It's kind of crowded up in the dorms."

Eleanor nodded, still looking at her suspiciously, "I see, now," She said pulling Emily to a secluded corner where nobody could hear them, "Now, why don't you ztop lying to me and tell the truth." She said, her robust blue eyes protuberant.

Emily looked at her, slightly taken aback, but then relaxed under Eleanor's calming voice, "I was going to the Room of Requirement."

"The Room of what, Emily, what is that?"

She sighed, her shoulders growing tense, "It's a – never mind. I'd just rather be there, alright?" Emily said, walking to the nearest moving stair case.

"But the Yule Ball will start in 2 hours!" Eleanor exclaimed, running after her.

"I'll be there in time, just... Just don't follow me."

Emily then ran up the stairs, looking away from the hurt look on Eleanor's face when she said her last words to her. I just want to be alone, She said to herself. After climbing what seemed like an infinite amount of stairs, she finally arrived at the Hexing Hall, the hall where the Room of Requirement was located. Emily watched the solid wall morph into double doors, opening at instant when she stepped forward as if the room itself had been waiting for her.

The Room of Requirement changed to fit Emily's needs at the moment. At the centre of the room, there placed a grand vanity set with its desk decked with hair brushes, combs, hair pins, and whatnots Emily couldn't even tell what it was or what purpose they served for. Emily marvelled in what the room had become for her, the walls were cream coloured and easy on the eyes, the floors were carpeted in lush black fur, and a single diamond and sapphire chandelier hung on the ceiling with all its glamour.

Emily pulled out her ball gown and hung it on the nearby clothes rack, smoothing down the small creases by the bodice, feeling the silky fabric of the blue ball gown. She then sat down in front of the mirror, still gawking at the interior of the room, "Ginny would have loved it here." Emily muttered, touching the silver backed hairbrush on the make-up desk, a heavy weight pounding in her stomach in sudden realization that Ginny was, at the moment, not speaking to her.

Emily shook off the weight, sighing, and said with great lack of enthusiasm, "Let's just get this over with." She then started to brush the knots out of her hair, putting in pins to hold. She knew very little on how to do different hair styles, Emily was actually counting on either Ginny or Luna to do her hair for her but seeing that Ginny was in no mood for her and Luna already had plans, she depended on herself and her lack of anything related to fashion and other things Ginny was good at.

After several tries (and a lot of help with her wand), Emily had done her hair in a bun, a bun that looked so magnificent that without magic, it would have taken her to recreate it for days. Maybe even weeks to perfect, Emily had no doubt about it.

There was only one thing left to do before slipping in her dress, and it was probably the most difficult thing Emily had to do (and she fought a Dragon, a dragon). It was make-up.

Emily Potter- Book 4 - Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now