The Lost

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Maddy had combed through the markets, the housing and even Boylan's trying to find Mark. She was running out of ideas when she passed one of the storage sheds, there was a makeshift staircase leading to the roof. Maddy cautiously placed her foot on an old wheelbarrow, cringing as it gave and unsavory creak. Slowly, she made her way over tools and wooden planks, hoping not to knock anything over. Mark sat at the edge, picking at the leaves in the gutter, his slumped shoulders gave Maddy a gut wrenching feeling.

"Mark..." Maddy asked quietly, not wanting to scare him

"Hey Madd" He sighed as another leaf flew towards the Earth

"Are you ok"

"Peachy" His laugh had never sounded so heartbreaking

"I ran into Riley" Maddy sat close "She told me what happened"

Marks fist closed tight, his face turned red and tears threatened to fall. Maddy placed her hand on his shoulder and watched a wave of emotion hit him like a bus.

"She was 15 when she disapeared, 15. It's all my fault" He cried

"How could it be your fault, the Carnos attacked, you couldn't have predicted that"

Maddy took his hand and laid her head on his shoulder, he tensed for a moment, trying to express his thoughts.

"It was my idea to go OTG, not hers. I knew it was hunting season, but I ignored it" Mark growled

"Hunting season, what do you mean" Maddy looked up at him

"Every year, the Carnos expand their territory. Looking for food, mates and all, I thought that since we were near Slasher territory, we'd be safe" He squeezed his eyes with his free hand, trying to stop his tears "And with security... I grabbed her hand, the gun, then ran. I had to let go to use the comm link, but she was right with me. When I went to see how far they were, I saw Em on the ground. I couldn't get to her, then, she was gone. I watched her trying to stay above the water, but when she hit that rock..."

Maddy hugged Mark close, she didn't know what to say to him. This girl he knew, he... loved perhaps, was taken from him in such a horrible way. The sun was setting quickly, Mark shuffled back and pushed himself to his feet, pulling Maddy up beside him.

"I should get you home, your dad scares me enough as is" His laugh seemed genuine for a moment

Maddy smiled, she knew that the next few days, weeks even were going to be difficult, but, Mark needed her. She kissed him, not over the top, not a peck, just enough to show her love. Mark stopped when they reached Maddys front lawn.

"Do you want to come in" Maddy looked at him, puzzled

"No I, I think I might just go for a walk, need to clear my head"

"Ok well, don't stay out too late, it looks like its going to rain soon" She called

Mark nodded and waved, disappearing into the late afternoon.


"What now" Mira asked, pulling one of the mercs aside

"Now, we look for Lucas. He's the only one who knows how to work these..." he pointed to a small whirling portal, barely big enough for a small cat

"He could be anywhere, no one has seen him since he got in the rover with Skye" she growled

Mira slammed her hand on the rover and stalked over to the fire, she slumped down and threw another log onto it. A distant roar caught all of their attention, everyone grabbed the nearest weapon and trailed the surrounding foliage. A twig snapped behind them and all guns turned.

"Lucas" Mira said, take back "What happened to you, where have you been"

"Taylor, after Skye betrayed me, my fathers men took the truck and left her to take me back to him. But when she was trying to get the car started, i got loose and knocked her out. Then I, bumped, into him on my way back" Lucas' eyes went dark "I stabbed the old man, but before i could kill him, Skye showed up, and shot me"

Mira watched as the medic worked on Lucas, itching to ask what could be done to get back to 2149.

"Seeing as we weren't prepared for this to happen, I no longer have the box, I left it in Taylors' office" He winced as his wounds were sewn up

"Haven't you done this before, you already calculated how to work the other, shouldn't this be..."

"Don't you think that if it were that easy we'd still be here" Lucas yelled "I don't know where this leads or even when it leads. From the ship it could be anywhere between the 16th century to the 18th"

Mira turned to the portal "I want to see Sienna, Shannon ruined all of our plans and now, I want blood"

Lucas grinned "Make sure you spill my fathers too"

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