The Memory

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"So are you ready" Riley asked

Emily nodded as she placed her hand on the door handle of her old home, pushing it open. After the Doc gave her the all clear, Riley took Emily home. Before she had disappeared, Emily had moved in with Riley because her parents had been killed, Sinsilic Fever, and she had nowhere else to go, the two quickly became friends and this lead to Riley introducing Emily to Mark.

"I couldn't bring myself to go into your room after we lost you, so it's how you left it" Riley smiled

"Which one was, is, mine" Emily looked around the small house

"This one" Riley pulled open the door

A single bed lay in the center of the room, to the left, a small cabinet for clothes with a mirror on top, a desk with papers, pens and photos. Emily walked over to the photos. One was a little girl with a man and a woman, another was of Emily and Riley, the last was of her and Mark.

"Does any of it seem familiar" Riley scanned the room

"No, I wish it did, but, no"

"I bet your tired, I'll let you sleep" She went to leave

"Riley" Emily said "I'm sorry, if I caused you any pain"

Riley turned and walked up to Emily and hugged her tight "I'm just glad your home"


"How's Josh doing" Taylor asked

"I really don't know. He's either at work or with Skye, He wants to be there when she wakes up" Jim answered

"What does the Doc think"

"The swelling has gone down and the fracture is healing, but she doesn't know how it will effect Skye. How's Deborah" Jim watched as Taylors face changed

"She's a mess, hardly eats or sleeps, she's very worried" He grabbed his binoculars and climbed the ladder

"Any sign of the Sixers or Lucas"

"No, nothing from the Phoenix troops either. My guess is as good as yours, like Boylan said, they've headed towards the badlands" Taylor traced the trees

Jim followed Taylors view "Should we go after them"

"No, to dangerous, we don't know what they are planning, or what Lucas already has planned"

"Well at least one good thing has come of this" Jim Smiled


"Elizabeth discharged her this morning, Riley took her home, let's hope that something gets jogged in her memory" he focused on a moving branch

"Do you see that" Taylor chimed up


"Looks like the stream overflowed, the storm must have done some damage" Taylor climbed down

The two headed to the market, calling for attention. As so not to ignite panic, Taylor asked everyone to tie down what could be swept away and to meet at the front gate. As the word spread, more and more people arrived, all craning their necks to see what was happening.

"The stream has overflown, I don't know the extent of the damage and I don't know how much water we will get here, but if we can see what is coming, we can prepare accordingly" Everyone nodded to Taylors words

Soon, water began flowing through, just enough to cover the peoples feet at first, then more came in. It splashed over the stairs leading into the markets, filling up every gap. It was getting stronger, bringing sticks along with it.

"Everyone get to the farms" Taylor yelled

As people began moving away, one person was still, frozen almost.

"Em, hey we need to move" Riley pulled

But Emily didn't hear her, her eyes had glazed over, stuck open wide. Her mind brought back the memory of being thrown around the rapids, the scrapes of hidden rocks and logs. Mark stopped ushering people and went to help Riley.

"What's wrong" He asked

"I don't know, she won't move"

"We don't have time for this" Mark said as he lifted Emily over his shoulder

From the  view of the farms, everyone could see as the water swept through the town, moving swiftly with little damage. Mark had set Emily down and crouched next to her, as had Riley, Taylor, Jim, Elizabeth and Maddy.

"Em, what's wrong" Riley asked

"Th...the water. I was in it, and, and I couldn't stay above it. The rocks and the, the trees, they kept pulling me down" She stuttered

"She remembers" Mark whispered "What else"

"Rileys... voice, then, nothing, it goes dark. Then I woke up on the island" She squeezed her head between her hands

They all glanced at each other, then Taylor spoke "Would you be willing to go out to the clearing, it might bring more memories back"

Emily looked at him, her answers bounced around in her head, causing her face to change.



Hello again, Happy Fathers day to all, I hope that you had a great day!! I'm sorry I'm late with the update but it nearly didn't happen. Whilst visiting my family, it was raining very heavily and we almost to stuck due to flooding. But luckily there were some back roads to take and we got home safely. I hope you like this chapter and are eager to hear what comes next!!

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