The Shot

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The door to Miras cell popped open, creaking slightly as it swung. She moved forward, checking for any patrol soldiers. Mira hurried through the hallways and stopped at the exit, hoping that the distance between her and the fence would be clear. The late afternoon was good cover, more shadows to hide in and conceal herself. She made her break for the fence.

Curran turned on his heels, the crack sounded so loud at night. His finger found the trigger and he scowled at her.

"Well, well, well... Didn't think that you'd point that at me" She sauntered up to him

"Jenna, what are you doing here" He growled

"I was meant to come and get Mira, but I couldn't help the temptation of seeing an old Sixer friend" Jenna winked at him

"You need to leave, if I'm caught talki..." She placed her fingers over his mouth

"Come one, on ones around" Jenna slid her hands up his arms, leaning in close

Emily had been walking home from Boylans when she heard a voice, Currans. She followed it, smiling, but it was short lived. This woman was all over him, and he wasn't doing anything to stop her.

"Curran" Emily asked

He looked over his shoulder, huffing when he saw her. Emily didn't know what to think, what was he doing with this woman, a... Sixer.

"Who's this, your little girlfriend" Jenna smirked

"What are you doing" Emily's voice cracked

"Looks like you've been caught out"

"What is she talking about" Her eyes found his

"What, you thought that he could smuggle out a full grown woman and get her here without getting killed. You think we didn't know that Taylor sent him to spy on us" Jenna turned back to Curran "He was quite useful to us, well, to me anyway"

Emily's throat went dry, she couldn't breath, this couldn't be true. A rustle in the trees revealed Mira, she had made it out to the colony. Jenna Smiled at her, but her face dropped when Mira glared at her.

"His involvement with us was meant to be kept a secret, and now he has been found out" Mira watched Emily "She won't keep this secret"

Emily's hand twitched, reaching for her pistol. After their adventure to the clearing, she always kept something nearby. Curran saw her movement and raised his weapon, meeting hers.

"Tell me this isn't true" She tried to hide her sob

"Walk away, don't make this any worse than it has to be" He aimed at her chest

"No, I'm not letting this go, you finally redeemed yourself with Taylor, don't ruin this"

"Taylor will never forgive me, he hates the sight of me" Curran took a step forward

"Don't" Emily changed her stance "The mission, you destroyed the portal anchor"

He chest burned, her eyes stung, what was he doing. Everything he'd done to help her was an act, all false.

"I sliced some metal that could easily have been welded back together, you're the one who destroyed Lucas' work and the truck" He stated



The sound of Marks voice had scared all of them, causing a gun to fire.

"Lets get out of here" Mira growled

Jenna dragged Curran along with her, disappearing into the forest as soldiers flooded the area.

"Em, hey" Mark skidded to her side, pushing on her wound

She wanted to scream, but her lungs wouldn't take in oxygen, she tasted copper. Every cough caused more pain, blood was filling her lung.Mark called out for Dr. Shannon, screaming for any kind of assistance.

"What happened... Who did this" His voice cracked

Emily's eyes fluttered, blurring and stinging, she tried to force them open but all she could do was whisper 'Curran'.


They fled through the trees, moving as fast as they could to Jenna's Rover. Curran cursed at himself, furious that he had shot her. He had taken the pistol off stun, Nykos had been spotted in the area and he wanted to be prepared.

"Nice shot" Jenna laughed, fluffing her hair

"Not funny" He hissed

"Oh come on, you can't tell me that you actually meant anything that happened with her"

"Enough" Mira growled "This is a problem, we have lost our informant and now we are running blind"

They took off towards the badlands, hoping that they weren't being followed.

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