The Flirt

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"AAARGH" Lucas screamed as he kick a crate across his tent "I told that woman to kill my father, not get her whole team captured. Now we are going to have to spread our forces out thinner. This mission was recon only, why the hell does she keep messing things up"

"Leave Mira to me, I have a few ideas to get to them. Hows the portal" One of the soldiers asked

"It's... more complicated than I first thought. This portal is... unstable. It's as if it can't hold onto one certain time" Lucas flipped through his notes, baring his teeth "It keeps jumping between the 16th to the 18th century, then the 21st. I can't get why"

"I'll leave you to it" Lucas didn't respond

The captain left the tent and moved to address his men.

"I need a small squad" He stated "With Mira and the Sixers captured, we are vulnerable. Without them, we have no way of keeping up out defenses. They may be painful to deal with, but they know how to survive here. We need to get them back, now. So who's coming with me"

A few of the soldiers stood, nodding to show their support.

"Well, pack up, we leave in 3"


"So Mira, what were your plans. You thought that you'd out run me in dense jungle, make it too the badlands with the kid, then what" Taylor paced before the Sixers

"I don't need to explain myself to you, we have our own agenda. Lucas is working on something big, you won't win this time" She growled

"This time... this time. The fact that you added that makes me think that you don't believe that. Or rather, you're trying to convince yourself that you have a chance" The Commander knelt in front of Mira "Let me know when you're ready to talk"

Jim looked at Taylor "Anything"

"No, not yet. But we need to stop Lucas and whatever he's working on"

"Ok, well I'm gonna check on Josh" Jim started towards the door "Elizabeth is releasing him today"

"Take care of that boy, he's a trouble magnet" Taylor sighed

"Any pain" Elizabeth watched her sons face

"No, not a lot, the same amount as when you asked me two minutes ago" Josh laughed

"Well look who's up and about" Jim smiled

"Barley" Elizabeth mentioned

"Well, lets get you home so we can find out what happened" He took his sons arm and lead Josh away


"I'm all in, your move" Curran said

Emily twitched her eyebrow "Ok, me too, by the way, what do I call it when I have an ace, king, queen, jack and ten"

"Dammit" Curran threw his cards on the table "A Royal Flush"

"So I win" Emily grinned

"Yeah" He sighed, pushing the chips to her

"Wow, imagine if I actually had those cards"

"You were bluffing" Curran stated in disbelief

"I was bluffing" She whispered "I had a 2, 8, 9, King and a Jack"

"Dammit, stop doing that"

"Care to continue, or are you gonna give up now" She winked at him

"I'm so done. I still can't beat you" He chuckled

The two discarded the game and focused on their drinks. Emily listened as Curran told her about everything she missed, and what she didn't remember. He told her about how she was a master of anything crafty. Weather it be wool, paper, wood or even steel, she could make anything.

"How long have we known each other" Emily finally asked

"I came through on the 3rd pilgrimage, you came on the 5th. I was apart of your escort to the colony. We talked a bit, but you were too scared to focus on our conversation. Every twig snap almost caused you to panic." Curran smiled

"Wow, well I must say I wasn't that scared when I was making my way back here. If anything, it felt right" Emily sipped her drink "Like I knew I was heading home"

"Oh crap" Curran said

"What" Emily followed his gaze to the wall

"It's 6, we've been here for hours"

"I need to get home, Riley will be worried" Emily turned to Curran quickly "Thank you for today. I'm glad I still have friends here, it helps"

"Always ready to help" Curran smiled and waved as Emily flew up the stairs


Hello, so with the Phoenix soldiers, they weren't really given any names, so for clarification, the Captain in this is the soldier that told Mira about the Hope Plaza being destroyed. Enjoy!! Thanks :)

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