The Moment

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"WHAT HAPPENED" Lucas yelled, swearing as the rip faded slightly

"I don't know, the ropes must have come loose" The Lieutenant scratched the back of his head

"No, they didn't just 'come loose', if they did, there wouldn't be a hole in the truck and the portal stabilizer would still be in one piece" Lucas growled in the soldiers face

"Well who could have done it" The Captain stepped forward

"Sir, two TN rovers were spotted seven clicks out yesterday, scout team" One of the guards answered "They took off pretty quick though"

"Why" Lucas slowly turned to him

"Uh, they were attacked by a Carno" He looked down "The Commander was with them"

Lucas was fuming, how could anyone get in close enough to do this sort of damage. Why had Taylor done something so reckless, he knows that there are predators out here, so what made him come out here.

It couldn't have been a scout mission, he looked back to the guard "How many were there"

"Eight I think, they scattered pretty quick when they first got there"

"Dammit" Lucas slammed his fist on a nearby rover

"What is it" The Captain narrowed his eyes

"That was the plan, scatter, then leave quickly, he planned on finding the Carno, he needed a reason to leave quickly" Lucas rubbed his forhead

"He left someone out here"

"Clean up this mess, I need to fix this stabilizer" He trailed off

"What are we gonna do about Mira" The Lieutenant whispered

The Captain started walking "We still have Carter, we can get him in and find out where she's being held. We'll need a distraction though, have to buy him some time"

"I'm sure we can think of something"


"You burnt down his tent" Jim smiled "Then you destroyed the portal frame"

"You should of heard him yelling, he was sooo mad" Emily giggled

"Well it seems that sending you two out there was a great idea, we might have to get you a uniform soon Emily" Taylor grinned from his desk

Curran nudged her, nodding in approval of the Commanders suggestion. Guzman stepped forward and looked at Emily.

"Doing that was dangerous, what if they had seen the lazer, you could have gotten caught, and we don't have the ability to keep on running rescue missions"

"There was no way they would have seen it, the fact that they ran like crazy when the tent fell was a clear indication that Lucas was their main priority, even if they had seen the lazer, we were in the best position to make an easy getaway. When they discover that this wasn't an accident, Lucas is gonna be pissed" Emily watched Guzmans face "He'll be more desperate, and it will make him an easy target"

"Go get some rest" Taylor intervened "You two had a big night, we'll talk more tomorrow"

Curran and Emily nodded, they left the building quickly, trying to stop their laughter. The fact that they had struck a had blow on the enemy kept them in high spirits.

"We did it" Emily sang as she spun down the road

Curran chuckled as he followed "And you were so scared about the mission"

"Well, seeing as I had to watch your back, you have to admit that it would be a difficult one for me" She saw the glint in his eye, then he made his move

Curran was hot on her heels as they weaved through the streets, laughing as they ran. Emily was a lot better in agility than Curran was, she flew over a fence, and sped between the houses. But in her efforts to elude him, Emily ran strait into a dead end. Curran stopped in the entry and smiled, she raised her hands and sheepishly walked forwards.

"I surrender" She tried to catch her breath

The moon hit her face as she got closer to him, lighting up her eyes. She took another step closer, hoping to make a break for it at the right moment, but this time, he was too fast. Curran caught her waist and spun her back into the alley, stopping as her back met the wall. He never noticed how short she was, he was almost a foot taller that her. They stood for a moment, silently watching each other, but Curran took the moment and lent down, doing what he had wanted to do since the card game at Boylans. she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes, hoping that he wouldn't let her waist go. Emily almost felt as if she was going to melt into him, his kiss was warm and sweet, pulling her in deeper. When Emily first made it back to the colony, she had never imagined that this would happen. She was going to be a soldier, and she had someone to care for, what else could she have wanted at that moment.


Hello, so a quick A/N, I have made the Lieutenant the soldier who pushed Jim down the stairs when he left the hospital. Since the names of the Phoenix soldiers aren't available, I'm kinda assigning roles. I hope you are still enjoying the story!! 

Thanks :)

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