The Briefing

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"Ok, so we are going to get within seven clicks of their location, we will then scout a perimeter and hopefully annoy the Carnos that are in the area. You two will hide and wait till we have lead them away and when night falls, you will move towards their camp" Taylor nodded at Curran and Emily "Once you have gathered Intel on their current state, you will move away. When you are five clicks out, contact us and we will establish a pick up"

"What if they get caught, sir" Dunham asked

"Well, if you do get caught" Taylors voice darkened "Destroy what you can before they catch you"

Curran and Emily looked at each other and nodded, even though neither admitted to it, they were nervous. All eight of them climbed into two vehicles, waving goodbye to their loved ones. Emily carefully checked her weapon, then her ammo, the dark clothes she wore, and even on Curran. Leaving the colony for the second time since she got back was an uncomfortable thought, and being left out there wasn't helping.

Curran nudged her shoulder "Hey, it's ok, I'll be right with you. Nothing is gonna happen"

It was a long ride out, Emily savored every second of it, dreading when she would have to leave the rover. When the Commander finally stopped, Emilys heart went strait to her throat, this is it. She grabbed the door handle, but her hand wouldn't let her open it.

"Move out" Riley called as she yanked open Emilys door, almost pulling her with it

Curran twitched his head towards a large tree, its foliage was perfect to hide in and easy to get to without being noticed. She followed after him, glancing at Riley, hoping that this would be an easy task. The two shimmied up the tree and settled into separate forks, tying ropes around their legs, in case either one fell asleep.

"Copy Taylor" Emily whispered into her comm

"Go ahead" He replied

"We are good to go" She could hear her voice shake "Why don't you go make some friends"

Jim laughed as Taylor answered "Copy that, enjoy your night out"

"Dunham, where's the closest nest" Jim asked

"Uh, I'm not sure" Dunham moved slowly

"What do you mean... Oh shit" Jim swore and fired at the towering Carno

They all made for the rovers, slamming on the gas to escape the growling beast. Emily watched as her only escape disappeared into the darkness, wishing that she hadn't had this stupid idea.

"Your still ok with this Em" Curran watched after the rovers

"Yeah, I mean, I guess" She avoided looking at him

"Em, we can still call this off, no one is going to think less of you" He shuffled out of his rope and moved to a branch closer to her

"But I will, I need to stop feeling so afraid, I need to do this" Emily was glad he had moved closer, it was comforting

"If your sure, it's still early, I'll take first watch, it might be a while before we get to sleep again"


"Are you sure she's ready to go back out there, I mean, she's still struggling to remember anything" Elizabeth paced through the kitchen, trying to make herself a coffee

"It was her idea, if she didn't want to do it we wouldn't have forced her to go" Jim offered

"I still don't like it. Who did she go with"

"Curran" Jim watched her expression change

"Curran, the man who set up a murder and then spent time with the Sixers" She shouted

"He's the only one who can do this, without Wash, the Commander doesn't really have many other options. Besides, I think Curran will protect her anyway" He cooed

"What makes you say that" She sipped her drink

"I think that there's something between those two. He spends a lot of his time helping her try to remember. They were at Boylan's for a few hours the other day" Jim chuckled

"Well, I guess that this is also a good way to prove himself to the Commander"

"Exactly" Jim smiled

"Hey Maddy, how was your new apprenticeship" Elizabeth called to her daughter

"Well, seeing as my arms are still killing from Marks self defense lessons, I'm sure everyone at the agricultural department now must think that I am a weakling" She huffed as she flopped onto the couch

"They got you doing the weeding yet" Jim chuckled

"No, just using the wheelbarrow to move the plants everywhere"

"Well, nothing a hot shower can't fix" Elizabeth smiled at her daughter and went to change "I'm on the evening shift, so dinner is up to you. I think Josh is at Skyes, so it'll just be you three"

"Have fun" Jim said as he kissed his wife

"Bye mum" Maddy called, as she slouched deeper into the couch


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