The Scouts

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"Do I have to do this" Maddy groaned

"Yes, with everyone on high alert, I want you to be safe" Mark squeezed her shoulders "Now, again"

She huffed and stood up straight, waiting for his attack. Mark had fashioned a gun shape out of a twig and was teaching Maddy how to disarm an attacker.

"Ok, I point this at you and..." Mark lifted his arm

Maddy grabbed the barrel and shoved his hand away with her other, pulling him towards her. Mark grinned and spun, locking her arm behind her back.

"Ouch" Maddy groaned, she stomped on his foot and barged him with her shoulder, sending him towards the mat

"Perfect" He gasped "I wasn't expecting that last part"

Maddy crouched next to him, raising her eyebrow "Well, it seems you need more practice"

Mark chuckled and sat up "You're lecturing me"

He grabbed her ankle and pulled it out from under her, she landed with a thud. Mark pushed her down by her shoulder and held the stick at her.

"Better luck next time" He winked

"Reynolds" Rileys voice echoed in the training room

Mark rose quickly and pulled Maddy to her feet, she brushed her pants and smiled at Riley.

"I hate to interrupt your... training, but Taylor needs to speak to you" Riley said

"Why, what's happend" Maddy glanced at Mark

"I'm not sure, but I'll bet it has something to do with Mira. Apparently there is another fracture in the badlands" Riley turned

"This sounds serious" Mark looked at Maddy

"Go, I need a shower. I'll see you later" She leant to kiss him

"Good idea" He chuckled at her expression

Mark kissed Maddys cheek and hurried after Riley, wondering what they were going to do about Lucas.The Commander was tapping angrily at his plex as Jim rubbed his temples.

"Sir" Riley stood at attention, followed closely by Mark

"At ease" Taylor mumbled

The two shared a worried glance, them Mark asked "What's wrong Sir"

Taylor stopped and sighed, he looked at the soldiers in his doorway and waved them closer.

"We don't have the best maps for the badlands, and now that Lucas has the Phoenix group up there, we are unable to send in a scout to better ourselves. We are trying to get answers from Mira and the others, but we can't get them to speak. I'm running out of ideas" Taylor returned his attention to the plex

"Sir" Curran knocked on the door

"Yep" Taylor nodded him in

"You said earlier that you needed a scout for the badlands"

"Yes I did, but the Phoenix group are quite skilled in, well, everything" The commander sat forward

"Well, I think that Emily and I could do it" Curran said

"You want to take Emily out to the badlands, when she is only just begining to remember herself" Jim interjected

"She spent 2 and a half years out there and a few weeks trying to make it through slasher territory to get back here. She knows how to be quiet" He looked between Taylor and Jim

"And why you" Riley asked

He turned to her "When I was with the Sixers, they showed me how to be quiet, how to get through everything without making a sound, I can make it, but I'll need help"

Jim and Taylor whispered for a moment, then returned to Curran.

"Is Emily ok with this" Taylor asked

"Yeah, it was her idea" he nodded

"Well, gear up"


Josh was sitting out the frond of Skyes place, laughing with Max and Hunter. Tasha had gone off to work when he arrived, she still felt foolish for her actions when they first met. Skye had Joshs guitar in her hands and was practicing the chords he had shown her.

"You got some words for that yet Skye" Max grinned

"Ah, not really, I'm bad with lyrics" She answered, fumbling with the G

"Well, I'm sure boy-band here could help you with that" Hunter patted Josh on the back

"Ha ha, I wasn't the writer anyway, I could never finish a song" He watched her strum the strings

"Pitty, maybe the people here could have used a concert, pick up some spirits" Max figited in his seat

"So Skye" Hunter asked "Has Taylor said anything about the badlands, what's out there"

"I dunno, I keep trying to avoid the conversation. With Lucas still alive, I just don't feel comfortable with knowing what he's doing" Josh shuddered at the name

They all knew that Skye had shot him, she was protecting the Commander, but Skye still felt horrible for it. The thought of killing someone made her stomach twist, and the fact that Lucas disappeared without a sound was not comforting in the slightest.

"Well whatever happens, my dad and Taylor will sort it out, they always do"

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