Carrots and Couples: Continued

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I freeze at the sound of her words.

Why did she say that? She hasn't been around for years.

I turn to see her glaring at me. "W-what?" I stuttered.

"You heard me" she replied with a sneer on her face.

It's true i did.

"I haven't 'stolen' anything from you" I replied in a stern voice.

"Yes you have" her voice getting irritated by the second "You have both of them wrapped around your fingers" she twirled her index finger for emphasis.

Justin and I may be my friends but Aaron still loves Avalon

"No i don't" I replied with a waver in my voice.

Before she could say anything else Aaron comes in with a questioning look on his face

"What's taking you so long?" He asked looking annoyed.

Avalon replied as expected, like a damsel in destress "Oh, even with two of us there is still too much to carry"

Aaron smiled and walked over not even looking at me

"Well i will just take these outside" i said in a grumpy voice

Not waiting for a reply i walk out of the kitchen. I turned around slightly to see Avalon wink at me again and i knew this time it wasn't my imagination.

I walk outside and place the food on the table and take my place next to Justin, he looks up from his phone and smiles at me and i smile back.

I trail into thought, why does Avalon hate me.

I snap my head up as I heard Avalon and Aaron walking out with Aaron carrying the rest of the food, he sets it down and Justing gave him a questioning look.

"Her wrist hurts" he said all to casually. Avalon just flashes a smile and they both take a seat.

Next to each

Conversations pop up and the time flies with the food slowly disappearing and small fits of laughter filling the air.

Once everyone leaves and says there goodbye all that's remains is Aaron and I.


"What was that?" Aaron asks sadness in his voice brushing through his hair with his hand.

I turned to face him "What?" Confused I had no clue what he was talking about.

"You and Justin, in the kitchen " He replied with anger waving his hand in the direction of the kitchen.

"It was nothing he just said that he was glad i came into your lives, he told me that he blames himself for your heartache,  i just thou-" but he cuts me off before i could finish explaining.

"Why would he blame himself?" Aaron starts to look confused trying to figure out his own question.

"Because he made you and Avalon meet" i walk over to him and grabbed his arm looking into his eyes as he stared back at me. "He got you two to date and he has guilt about that, because in the end you got your heart ripped out" Aaron pulls away from me rubbing his face with both hands.

"He doesn't seem to have any guilt showing that he likes you." Aaron said scarcely with pain in his voice, letting his hands fall to the side and clenching them into fists.

"Why on earth would you think that?!" My voice raising slightly "I love you!" I said on the verge of tears "and i told you but obviously you still love Avalon and what's worse is you show it right in front of me" and thats all i could take, tears start to leak and I couldn't stop it, and i walk out of the front door leaving Aaron flabbergasted.


Ok guys what did you think?

I know this is just a short chapter but i just wanted to get this out there for all of you please give some feedback as i haven't published any of my story's before so tell me what you think.

- Olivia

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